Made some pump gas passes today at the shithole that is Dragway 42

LOL! Do you know what gear and what RPM? I’ve seen some logs similar and it didn’t end well… Poor westwest… Go Revo!

He provided the worst logs ever. 3rd gear 4200-6200. Hitting 33+ degrees through that interval.

He was warned by several people before he even went and got his Revo tune that Revo and high temps don’t get along, and further warned about the race tune. As much tracking as he does in the high temps he is in, going Revo is just not a smart decision. Apparently he’s getting a CPS which may help some, but IMO it’s just a matter of time before he runs into real problems. I’m not going to feel all that bad for him when his car shits its bottom end and #5 cylinder all over a road course this summer.

Why doesn’t that surprise me?

Don’t forget he is going to get an APR intake.

I love how his posts sound like he is the first person to buy the product, and how he is doing us a favor by posting about it. His tone is just all wrong, something about it has irked me from the beginning.

Although I apparently have that affect on some members too LOL


Lolol I wasn’t surprised either…

What’s his reasoning for the APR intake being the best? I have data showing its not but ok west west!

Not challenging you, but I would be interested to see this data. I’ve got my APR on right now and a Roc Euro sitting in my closet that I haven’t had time to install yet.

We have done intake switches on the side of road and logged changes and vbox also. Roc Intake on average gains .2 second 60-130 over the AWE and APR. Huge gains over stock. Injen didn’t do so well.


Auditude and tsivas data is EXACTLY why I switched from APR to Roc Euro intake. Data doesn’t lie…

Congratulations on your results.
11 sec passes in any Audi, no matter the chassis, has to make the owner feel great!

Their data is also why I switched from APR stage 2 intake to Roc-Euro. I’m now addicted to the super charger whine that I never heard before.


He stayed ‘dormant’ on AudiWorld for so long. Suddenly he goes all “enlightened”…

PsYk - glad to see you posting here now bro. You know what would be really cool? A thread for your amazing new car. I just want to see pics - and possibly some vids!! So jealous of what you’re driving. 8)

Edit: Karma to you just because you may be our first RS5 on here. I don’t know of any other.

And get NWS4Guy to come on here. He’s always been a valuable contributor.

Lol dormant like a sleeper cell?
or dormant like herpesviridae?

P. S. Welcome to ar. How’s the new b8 treating you?

Thanks FAW! I’ll feel good when it goes 11.5x with this blower and better when it goes 11.2x with the 1.74L… ;D

Yeah, Scott post some pics of your RS5!

You will go 10.8x with the bigger blower on race gas… :wink:

Careful, Thomas may not like that, I’ll probably be accused or using nitro methane… Not sure that will happen but you know I’ll probably be the first to try…

Arin, Is my blower ready yet? LOL

Haha! I just created a thread with some pics. I need to weather to be nicer so I can take more pics.

lmao. Thanks man! New ride has been great thus far. Can’t wait to take it on the race track!

Just created one in it’s respective sub forum… :slight_smile: