Misfires.... Battery Related A6/S6 Common Problem

Good morning all.

So, I’ve got my 2007 S6 that I’m waiting to pull the engine and do some work on related to misfires, ect. I plan on cutting out the cats, replace the 02 sensors, replace injectors, and other maintenance items.

One thing that happened last year is I had bad misfires that seemed to go away when I charged the battery fully. And would come back the minute I didn’t charge it or if I used another car to “boost” this car. Keep in mind the battery would show 12.2V or so, always had enough to spin the engine and it would start, run rough… after idling for a few minutes I could shut the car off and restart it, and boom. No misfires, car ran great.

I changed the original battery (yes from 2007) for an aftermarket AGM. H8 size, recoded the manual as per ross tech and other people’s post and still had the same issue.

So that’s when I assumed, it was the injectors leaking (as well as a ton of gas in the oil). Since I was going to be pulling the engine in the spring, I let this sleeping dog lie.

on to my 2007 Audi A6 3.2FSI purchase in December. Car uses same injectors, and had similar problems with misfires, leaking injectors, ect. Pretty much same issues as the S6 so applied what I knew.

  1. Changed Injectors
  2. New Coils
  3. New Battery (AGM)
  4. New FSI HPFP Fuel Pump (had codes for this); Fuel Filter
  5. New Fuel Pump in tank (failed)
  6. Carbon Clean
  7. New Thermostat, Coolant Temp Sensor and MAP Sensor (car is speed density)

So after changing the dead in tank fuel pump, car would turn over no problem, didn’t seem to get enough spark to start and would flood itself. So now, knowing that there were 6 brand new injectors, that should not be leaking, I am starting to get suspicious of battery. Changed out the plugs since they got soaked from the non start.

Check the battery, 12.5v at the terminals; 12.4v at the posts in the engine bay; 12.5v at terminal 30 as per vag com. Recoded as per ross tech… still no dice. Battery dips to 10.5v during cranking. Oh, and outside temps are -8C. Boggled by this, I hook up a running car to “boost” the A6. Now? Fires right up.

So, hook up charger to battery at 25amp and let it charge for a few hours. Took the car out a bit later, and started and ran fine. That is until later after attending a concert came out and car started, but was definitely misfiring. Dropped off a buddy and used his car to “boost” the car again, and not surprising… no misfires.

Got home and tossed on VagCom.

Got the following codes:

P0301 Misfire MIL ON
Cylinder 1

P1653 Please Check DTC Memory of ABS Controller

ABS Controller memory has this fault:

01314 - Engine Control Module
013 - Check DTC Memory - Intermittent
Fault Status: 01101101

Then some Freeze frame of some Hex Values.

So anyhow, I’m going to try getting a Lead Acid Battery to see if that makes a difference. I’m not sure that AGM batteries are holding up in our climate where I am. This morning was a brisk -32C.

But I see some common issues between the A6 and S6 as it relates to Battery and Misfires.

At one point I believe Justincredible had mentioned that the ECM takes the resting voltage of the battery to determine the spark output. I’m sure he’ll chime in.

I am just in disbelief that this is occurring in both cars. Same year. Same Battery.

What else can I check? I’ve checked and tested the grounds at the engine and battery, made sure battery terminals are cleaned. I tested the voltage at the battery and the front, next test is at the starter.

Also curious to test the resistance of the battery wire from the back to the front terminal. I’m contemplating using some jumper cables to go from the battery to that front post and see if that eliminates the issue.

I’m more than frustrated with both cars, but I’ve seen so many posts about misfires, the various problems and fixes that we are suggesting just to still have misfires.

Hope that this helps someone or if someone else who is experiences unexplained misfires can try “boosting” their car and see if they go away.

any comments or thoughts are welcome.