Hood still off car yesterday and needed painting of the entire thing. Picking it up this afternoon. Will do. This may be my last post here. Some people take them selves way to seriously. No free speech allowed here, no 1st amendment rights. At least that’s what I’m told by the numerous star people. Let’s see, I risked my life hundreds of times defending the Constitution so some clown on a web site tells me I can’t speak my mind?
C’mon guys. I know most if not all of us wouldn’t try this but skywagon is trying something different. Sure some might think it’s radical and maybe a little crazy but good crazy or not he is very committed. I’d say we can expect his research and results to help guide others in the future. While we can all speculate what this might and might not do we should get some great data on it.
Dude chill out!! No one is taking themselves too seriously. You’re getting all bent out of shape about free speech for some strange reason (is anyone censoring you?).
My post was mostly just joking around. While what I said is in fact accurate, you can obviously speak your mind on here. Sheesh. :
you can speak your mind all you want. You made a silly reference to the constitution because someone (a moderator) advised you that your complaint to Arin about your tune might have a better home in one of the other threads on the issue.
You’re derailing a thread. It’s a common thing to be admonished for that on a webforum.
After that, you made a first ammendment claim, and the moderator simply informed you that you actually have no free speech rights by the law, on a private web forum.
If you want to act like a web lawyer and trumpet the constitution, just be advised that someone might actually know the constitution better than you and correct you.
[quote]Let’s see, I risked my life hundreds of times defending the Constitution so some clown on a web site tells me I can’t speak my mind?
Someone takes the internet too seriously.
was this during WWI or WWII?
You also chose to support and defend the Constitution, no one owes you anything so get of your pedestal. The debt of gratitude goes to those who actually lost their lives.
You also chose to support and defend the Constitution, no one owes you anything so get of your pedestal. The debt of gratitude goes to those who actually lost their lives.
So you’re an ageist and a bigot too! Go fuck yourself!!!
So what service were you in to make such a stupid, empty headed statement. How’s about the poor schmucks in the Hanoi Hilton. You probably don’t even know what I’m talking about do you little boy?
So you’re an ageist and a bigot too! Go fuck yourself!!!
Fuck you too buddy. I’m screwing with you about your age like I do all old people.
If you want relevant numbers drive to National Speed Inc. in Wilmington for a dyno session or better yet…wait until it get’s cool in a month and hit Coastal Plains with -1000ft DA! The track is at 15ft elevation and never busy in the fall.
Stop acting like a 16 yr old rice parked at Harbor Freight, Wetern Blvd. on a Wed night