Never ending 07 S6

Hey guys. So my 07 S6 is still leaking oil. Was thinking maybe oil pressure switch. So I go looking around the webz and I’m thoroughly irritated. There was a switch halfway thru the year? So if my S6 falls in the early half, is there no oil pressure switch? Or is there one and they don’t make it anymore and I’m just screwed? Because all I see is the switches for the last half of the 07’s. Where in the heck is the early 07 switches at? I’m guessing the later 07 and up switches won’t be able to work in my car? I hate this. Already had to deal with that stupid drivers valve cover and gasket issue. Now this. I shoulda bought an 08 or something…

The reason I think the oil pressure is because I’m getting a leak somewhere at the front of the motor. I just had the intake off and I did replace that oil filter housing gasket in the valley. I know for sure it isn’t that. And it leaks only when sitting. It may while driving, who knows. But I know if I let the car sit in the garage a while, it starts to show on the floor. I was leaking before and swore it was gonna be that oil filter housing. But even when I replaced it, it didn’t seem to be leaking. I also replaced the driver’s side valve cover and gasket. I just don’t know whereelse to look for front of the engine leaks.

I would bet it is the two rubber 0-rings for the oil cooler on the passenger side of the engine behind the alternator. Over time these become brittle and leak.

I too had a leak that I thought first was the valve covers, then the oil filter housing, then the oil pan. It was my oil cooler o-rings.

The 0-rings are cheap. It is a bit of work to get to them but not too difficult. You need to remove the front bumper, drain the coolant, remove the radiator and fans assembly, and remove the alternator, then a bracket. This will allow you to get to the oil cooler.

Dang it. Thanks Space. Now I have to figure out how to get this bumper off. I’ll Google a tutorial. But it’s going to the body shop next week. I’ll wait til they finish. I have a warranty claim on the front bumper repair previously done. I don’t want to mess with it and then they try to blame me for all the bs. I’ll do the oil cooler rings though. Even if they aren’t leaking, they will. I want to kill it before it even starts. But I’m really hoping that what you said is the problem. I’d hate for it to be a front main seal or something.

I feel your pain.

I have had my 07 for three years now and it is finally time to get serious about resolving all of the external oil leaks (and some internal ones)

I have previously done both the oil cooler o-rings and the front main seal and I found doing the main seal a lot less labor intensive.

I had the drive belt shred during a rather extended high rpm run down the highway. The battery light came on and I slowed down and drove the remaining couple of miles back home. The belt had wrapped so tightly around the end of the crank behind the pulley that it destroyed the oil seal.

You’re having the whole motor rebuilt?!? You doing it yourself or having a shop do it? Looks expensive, lol.

The main was easier than the oil cooler?! If it is, I might just do both if I’m in there. This car has been leaking for a while now and I’m so tired of the puddles.

I am doing all the work myself.

In addition to all the oil leaks, an oil analysis showed I had about 1.5% anti-freeze in my oil. Wear metals were still way below average given the number of miles on the clock so I decided it was worth the effort.

The radiator has to come out for both the main seal and the oil cooler. Once it is out, you just remove the drive belt and the crank pulley. The main seal is right there. With the oil cooler, you need to remove the alternator which is liquid cooled. You definitely want some locking hose clamp pliers to deal with the short little hoses that are attached to it.
My oil cooler o-rings were leaking. The main seal wasn’t until the belt failed.

I would bet it is from the oil cooler 0-rings and not the front crank seal.

Just keep at it. I too was like you, getting frustrated tracking down oil leaks. But the oil leaks nearly always end up being from just a handful of sources: valve covers, oil filter housing, oil pan, and oil cooler 0-rings.

But once you get these issues sorted, the car is very, very reliable and enjoyable.

What do you think is causing the coolant in the oil? I had an oil analysis done them at showed some coolant.

Head gasket failure is not something you typically see on these engines but I did rather severely overheat mine a couple of years ago which brings up the potential for head warpage.
An internal leak in the oil cooler is another area where the coolant can mix with the oil.
Also, there are internal coolant pipes in the rear cam timing covers with o-ring seals on both ends.

This is turning into a bit of a thread jack so I apologize. I will be creating my own thread in the next few days to document this project. I need to resize and upload a lot of pics first though.

Looking forward to that.

ME too. Excited to see how its all going and as always if you need any help we are all here. It really helps the platform when great members take the time to document all of the issues and how they resolved them.

Hey it has been awhile since I been on. Moving again here.
My cousin did a complete rebuild on my motor since I was having oil leaks every where. It is still running strong here for the last 1.5yrs and no issues.