New Car Options

So due to some work/life changes I’m expecting to have to drive a fair bit more and my Jeep, as well as its treated me, likely isn’t going to cut it due to the fuel economy.

Figured I’d post up and see if anyone had any ideas for cars to check into. Some of the boundaries I’m trying to work within, mostly preferences nothing definite:
-Good fuel economy (25mpg+)
-Somewhat sporty, not looking for a racecar, if its a diesel I’d be much more forgiving to lower performance

Some cars I was considering:
-The Performance Pack 2015 GTI piqued my interest, bit bigger than the Mk5/6’s and the performance sounds much better. Will depending on pricing/financing deals
-If VWoA runs a low interest rate deal on CPOs again I was thinking a CPO Golf R could do it too (0.9% APR deal ends today, bit earlier than I want to move on).
-Maybe a 2015 Golf R again if the new car deals are right

Anyone got any recommendations?