Nitrous install on S6?

Is it possible to install nitrous on the S6? Has anyone done it?

It has been done and it has been done on other FSI motors but the results on some have been a disaster and ended up with others with broken motors.

Here is why.

1 the multi stage intake manifold if spraying at the throttle body the charge has to get to the cylinders the flaps and multi stage has caused puddling issues for some.

2 if you do a fogger style shot the initial shot needs to be very low less than 60hp. This is because of the pressure drop to the fuel system when the fuel silenoid opens it creates a big pressure drop that takes several secondns for the sensors to read this and to try and kick the lpfp pressure up.

3 you can go with a dry flow but you will again need to keep this in the 50hp range due to the limits of the fuel systems adjustments before triggering a fault code or limp mode.

4 limp mode. If you have anything go wrong or your knock goes up due several reasons associated with trying to spray nitrous the ECU can kick into limp mode. And if you keep spraying in limp mode its going to be a hot mess.

5 your stock injectors suck. If you havent already take out your injectors and get them tested and cleaned. Most V10 FSI injectors are flowing down an average of 20% and its not uncommon to see at least one of the 10 injectors flowing down 40%. Standard injector cleaning service only cleans and tests injectors at just over 100psi. If your serious about your car do the JHM code exchange injector cleaning they flow and test the injectors at 1500psi.

The guys who have sprayed nitrous on V10 and had no issues sprayed very little amounts and I never really saw anyone real excited about the results.

Performance wise a lot has changed in the past few years. look up JHMotorsports. They have a great tune for the v10 that adds a serious amount of acceleration. Add a few supporting mods and we have seen the v10 cars go from 14 second cars to 12 second cars with just a JHM tune JHM intake spacers and a catback exhaust.

IMHO the JHM tune is worth the money… its a lot cheaper than installing nitrous and gives you the same if not better acceleration results and you never have to refill any bottles.

I know some people have tried the APR tune or there was one other company that made a tune for the V10 motors that was just crap. The JHM S6 and S8 tunes are night and day beyond what any other tunes are its not even worth talking about.

Also as full disclosure. I have the JHM nitrous kit on my B6 S4 and its great. But the kit JHM makes is a plate kit and they consulted with one of the original founders of the NOS comp when making there kit. Its a plate kit that goes between the cylinder heads and the intake.

Thanks for the info Justin. I already have the JHM tune as well as Cat back exhaust and you are right, really woke up the car. I was just trying to find a little extra juice from this motor but sounds like its not worth the risk. Spoke with JHM and as of fight now they arent offereing any nitrous setup for the S6, probably due to the reasons you stated.

If you’re local to JHM look at the TCU tune. It make a good bit of difference as well. Another smiles per mile mod.

If you don’t have the
Intake spacers - they are a must. They really help knock down the heat in the intake and in the engine bay. overall they don’t just help in HP they help keep carbon at bay. The big help hp wise is the cooler intake charge.

Also give the LWCP a look. That really helps with the mid range roll on acceleration. That is a lot of rotational weight off the crank of the motor.

And lastly… The JHM LW brake rotors. I know its not at first a sexy mod but they drop a ton of weight and really really make a difference. I have all of the above on my S4 and I did them all in stages. I can tell you that the V10 has more dramatic weight savings than the S4.

Lastly see what JHM says about there supercharger kit. I know they have something in the works and they have a few guys that are or have shipped there cars out for the finial workings. So far the JHM stage 1 supercharger kits have been consistant across all the V8 4.2 platforms

The JHM stage 1 supercharger kits
S4 4.2 goes 11.9 (throttle limited as the throttle closes at 5800 to save the motor)
S5 4.2 goes 11.8
RS4 4.2 goes 11.7

Something to think about maybe…