Oil Pan Drain - Crush Washer

Hello all,

I’ve been considering getting a pump to suck the oil out the dip stick but haven’t pulled the trigger yet. Guess I’m just a little old fashion and I don’t mind getting under the car and letting it drain.

My question is, I did my first oil change as owner on this thing about 10k miles ago and when I did it, I re-used the crush washer for the drain plug. Needless to say, I had some decent oil leakage after that change. A buddy of mine who is an Audi tech told me that you should always replace the crush washer. Well, it’s about time to do my next change and I was just wondering.

Now, on other cars I’ve owned, including an A4, I’ve always re-used the crush washers with no issue.
I mean, I do understand that that is the specific purpose of a crush washer so the new washer is ‘crushed’ when tightened but like I said, never had an issue with any other vehicle.

If the new filters came with crush washers I wouldn’t even ask but since I would need to buy a single washer every oil change that’s why I’m asking.

Do y’all re-use the washer or get new ones? (for the people that still do their oil change the old fashioned way)

Is there an Audi part number (Hopefully not like a $20 washer) for this washer or can I just get some generic crush washers from amazon and throw one on every change or something?

Also thought about a quick valve purchase that I would never need to remove from the pan but am hesitant on it for the simple fact I don’t want anything sticking out, even a little bit, from the pan.

Any info is appreciated.
