oil separator failure

Found this while doing a carbon clean.



If the membrane for the oil separator tears, you could get a lot of oil sucked into your intake manifold. Apparently it’s from IM vacuum at idle sucking up oil from the sump.

Probably a cause for rapid carbon buildup in the intake valves. Just another thing to check for.

See http://audirevolution.net/forum/index.php?topic=3753.msg109003#msg109003

Great post.This is something for everyone to look at and think about. The A4 guys get this rip on there PCV system

Is the part toast? or can you just buy a new membrane and put it back together? I put in a new one, but it’s not a cheap part.

Sadly the part is toast. Once the membrane is torn/ripped then it is worthless. If the membrane isn’t damaged then you can clean out the PCV with brake cleaner or carb cleaner just like the B6/7 S4 guys have done. The part is not cheap so it would be a good idea to clean out the PCV with every carbon clean.

I am going through a similar issue with a B8 S5 right now too. Later on I will start a separate thread because this car has been a journey to fix.

The membrane of the PCV valve/oil separator was torn like yours. There was oil inside the PCV valve.



I did a carbon clean first before replacing the PCV valve. The valves looked similar to RS4 carbon clean pictures that I posted your engine out thread.



Under two hundred miles after the carbon clean and before replacing the PCV valve, the intake valves and ports looked like this. The oil being sucked in caused other issues too.


The 4.2 FSI V8s and the 5.2 FSI V10s are very similar in a lot of ways so it would be a good idea of the V10 S6/S8 guys follow along with the FSI V8 guys threads. I have been reading the clean your injectors thread by komseh and that should apply to the V10s also.


Great add on jimmy. Its interesting to see that these are a common issue across more then one make

Mixofia from what I can tell they dont just sell the diaphram so you would have to buy another seperator There is the chance that you can find that some PCV diaphram is the same. But you would have to comfirm that and then dissemble each unit just for the diaphram.