Paddle extensions?

So looking at all the different paddle extensions out there - has anyone tried any/recommendations on types to buy?

looking at these…

Those don’t look too bad. I don’t know what your looking for but I got extensions for my S4 and I just didn’t end up likeing them as they were just too big.

My buddy has these on his B8 S4. Seems to really like them. I found them to be too large.

Only full swap option is from ECS. I don’t really understand why they don’t have any competitors making full replacement paddles that install into the rear of the wheel. Not a fan of the adhesive backed options but to each their own.

Yeah they are a bit bulky and look to be held on but grub screws so should be more secure than the stick on types. Most of my local fun roads are like the pic attached (hopefully) so there is quite a bit of steering wheel rotation which makes finding my paddles a bit of a pain. Looking to add length for that.

I only really use the paddles on that style of road - she stays in auto mode for the commute

Yeah I have seen those, they are the highest priced and look like there is quite a bit of fiddling with removing of steering wheel components - were they hard to install? I do like the look of them as they take the old paddles off and replace em so they look from factory

cheers for that

I have ordered a set -will let know how they work out

It took the shop like an hour to do the install…