Passenger rear timing cover reseal, in frame?

I have my IM off and the oil filter housing so there is room to get my hand in there sort of.
Need to pull the ignition coil harness off the ECU as it takjes up alot of room and move a few small coolant lines.
Is there enough room back there to get a t30 and ratchet on these bolts?

The coolant crossover tube, i have no choice but to drain coolant and disconnect it. I believe the 2 flanges on the rear timing cover are just blind holes and are just suport brackets with no coolant actualy flowing through them yes?

My leak is right at the bottom of the right (passenger) rear timing cover, dyed my oil and can see the bottom bolt is wet with a pool of oil resting on something, right near the exhaust manifolds. finally traced down the source of the oil smell!