I know we talk shot and we go back amd forth we all say crazy shit…some less then others amd some times crazy shit int so much words but stance…just today adam is looking to talk more shit on the v8 in anothsr thread…you dont talk shit when you make a point even if it stings its close to right…even adam who clearly isnt looking for friends is right from time to tims…it stings…it sometimes is true…all of us who seem to be ganging up on adam are just dishing back the same type of attitude…if adam took a different aproch the results would be differet…
Look at faw…we all cheer for his 13secind pass…why…because he can make a point and still keep a good attitude…he didn’t usedto but now he can and does…
I have read many of your posts on here and az…your funny as shit…I want you to see you are comming off as fighting adams battles and thus taking the brunt of the argument. .
Like I said we will all cheer for adam if he hits pay dirt…then if he is the same we will wait for a flaw and be more then halpy to point it out juat like he so eargly does