If he runs better than 10.88 I’ll be in line to say congrats for sure, but if he fails miserably…well someone that talks as much shit as he does should really be prepared.
I know we talk shot and we go back amd forth we all say crazy shit…some less then others amd some times crazy shit int so much words but stance…just today adam is looking to talk more shit on the v8 in anothsr thread…you dont talk shit when you make a point even if it stings its close to right…even adam who clearly isnt looking for friends is right from time to tims…it stings…it sometimes is true…all of us who seem to be ganging up on adam are just dishing back the same type of attitude…if adam took a different aproch the results would be differet…
Look at faw…we all cheer for his 13secind pass…why…because he can make a point and still keep a good attitude…he didn’t usedto but now he can and does…
I have read many of your posts on here and az…your funny as shit…I want you to see you are comming off as fighting adams battles and thus taking the brunt of the argument. .
Like I said we will all cheer for adam if he hits pay dirt…then if he is the same we will wait for a flaw and be more then halpy to point it out juat like he so eargly does
I predict 8nov8 avoiding the dragstrip at all costs at this point of excuse making. He is now denouncing the 1/4 mile and claiming to still be untuned.
You built your car to break all the records for a k04 based turbo? I can’t wait till you set all your new records for me to smash them. My turbos are k04 based to he is right though saki the rs6 is a k04
Rs6 does not equal k04 in s4 parlance shitforbrains
Wow… You’re so crazy. This is why you got kicked out of school… This is why your family disowned you. This is why you have a shifty job and this is why you hate your life.
I am well aware of that. However nobody on earth says ‘I have k04’ when they have rs6 turbos. Why is that? In this world, everyone defines the K04 as the rs4 turbo. The rs6 turbo is dramatically different. NOBODY says k04 when speaking about them.
If you guys want to play games with semantics to get one over on me, great. Thats a big win, and you should go get a trophy for it.
because people are fucking idiots they should say they have rs4 k04s and i say i have rs6 ko4s they are k04 turbos period i dont care what you have to say they are k04s… k04s k04s k04s k04s k04s k04s… just like a billet k16 is still a k16 it goes on the k16 record on the porsche forums so stop being a bitch or keep being one and be a good one and suck some more cock you mongler