Is it possible to get a remote start for our cars? 08 s6. Local shop said they can’t do any remote starts for my car, has anyone had any experience with anything on our cars?
It is possible. Not sure if you want to go about the way most do. You need to keep a key in the car for the immobilizer signal. That is how people got around it in the past.
That makes sense. So my only question then is would my car stay locked? Cause right now what I’ve been doing is I will go out, use the push to start button and take my key with me back in. Only thing is, I cannot lock my car. I live in a pretty busy neighborhood and would feel much better with my car locked
I have a Python 9857P two way remote in my 2008 S6. I live in Wisconsin and it gets cold over here! I preset the interior temp and heat the seats before I power down at home or at work. Then on cold days/nights, I press a button on the remote and the car starts (but stays locked) and I wait 10 minutes or so and drive off in a warm car. When I start via remote, I unlock the car with the Python fob and get in. As soon as I shut the door, the engine cuts off (preventing theft). Then I have to stat the car in the standard fashion (using the Audi fob or Audi key) before I drive off. As its a 2 way remote, I get a confirmatory beep or error beep on the Python fob that tells me if the remote start was successful or not. (sometimes Im out of range) It works great. I had it professionally installed. You have to sacrifice one of your key fobs though.