Removing the Cowl cover from the windshield - how? I have sprayed some lubricant

and lightly applied upward pressure. There is some movement (as much pulling forward to the front of the engine bay as much or more than movement upward) but I am not getting a good feeling by pulling in either direction.

I know it has had to come off for replacing the windshield so this shouldn’t be rocket science, but I don’t want to break the windshield or rip the cover apart.

Any BTDT’s?



I assume you have removed the two bolts towards the middle of the cowling section.

The edge of the cowling has a single barbed-like profile that locks into the track at the base of the windshield.

It needs to be pushed straight out of the track. When I removed mine, I used an angled metal trim removal tool to lever it out from underneath. The plastic trim tools probably will not work as they are not stiff enough.

Once you get one end started, the rest is cake.

Screws are out (actually they were already gone probably from one of the safelite guys who replaced one of the several windshields that have been on the car).

So pry straight up, correct? Lots of force? I can see where they tore the cowl at the very end on the passenger side.

I have the plastic trim tools, but no metal ones. I think I can rig something up from some scrap.

Thanks for confirming the procedure. I did not want to destroy anything.
