RS5 springs

Like new RS5 springs.
They were taken off a 2013 RS5. I actually bought these for my S4, as I wanted only a mild drop (from measurements taken by others, these will drop the car about 10mm/ or 3/8ths of an inch.)

I personally wanted to do this to maintain roll center, and use a spring that is actually a higher spring rate than stock and many other aftermarket solutions. They will fit any B8/B8.5 chassis car. I would not otherwise sell these, except I picked up some KW’s for an excellent price…so I am abandoning the RS5 suspension project :slight_smile: Should you be interested, the asking price is in Canadian dollers ($200) so in USD, that’s probably like 180. Shipping is TBD based on buyer location.

Asking 200 CAD or whatever the equivalent USD may be.