It’s even better when you run 11’s, people are really like WTF! LOL
yeah, for sure. It’s funny how the quick Audis catch people off guard. I can only imagine what it looked like when jason from jhm went 11s with his babyseat in the car.
It looks like they’re open to the public on Wednesday nights. I’ll get my tires switched back to summer ones (I’ve been really lazy about removing the all seasons) and maybe I can swing by next week after work to try a few runs.
Does tsivas do most of his 0-130 logging with VCDS or a vbox? If he gave me idiot level instructions, I could log some stuff with my vag-com cable too.
Skid, Tsivas uses a vbox for the data… He sent it to me and I used it at the strip as well… Most use vagcom more for data logging… I can give you a quick crash course in vagcom logging…
Can you look to see if you have the most recent version? I will assume you do as I believe it prompts a download… Here are the fields you want to log… Also, always check “turbo mode” and in the upper left of the screen the “group by field”… Here are the fields I use most of the time… Let me know if you have any questions… Just start logging before you start so you don’t have to worry about it and then stop once the pass is done…
Accelerator Position 16
Engine Speed 25
Timing Retard Cyl 1 216
Timing Retard Cyl 2 217
Ignition Angle 222
Mass Air Flow 345
Boost Pressure (absolute) 360
Intake Air Temperature 556
Boost Control Valve Angle 625
Boost specified 623
Pbox, not a vbox
Skid Rowe, all seasons may not hurt you. What wheels and tires are you dealing with? Include sizes
P V X whatever! LOL J/K
$4,000 vs. $500!
pbox is fun, but what Tsivas is doing is really only relevant to Tsivas and the cars he logs. I sure hope the B8 guys don’t start getting all 60-130 focused. It’s a silly measurement of the car in a test that starts at the speedlimit and ends at a speed that will land you in jail. A few guys want to use the 60-130 as the ‘benchmark’ but that won’t serve anyone well (other than people with cars that suck from 0-60 mph). I’d much rather know how my car does through the gears I use every day…not just 4th. The quarter mile is legal, and covers much of the 60-130 test range as well as 0-60mph, leaving out the last 15 mph or so from 115-130…which is the 15mph or so that we will just about NEVER see in our cars, so who cares what the car is doing there.
The B8 guys have a good thing going with the quarter mile. Hopefully they don’t screw it up.
Saki, Agreed… That is why I did my “P” box testing at the strip… Fortunately, we have a very long shutdown area so I can go up to 130+ before hitting the brakes hard and testing the Brembo’s! LOL I’m much more concerned with 1/8 and 1/4 as if I do get in a street encounter it is usually stop light to stop light race which while illegal doesn’t have you going 130+ As you know these cars are actually pretty hard to beat on the street from 0-90ish given the AWD and ability to launch, sure there are cars that will kill them but you don’t run into them to often…
Besides Auditude decided not to include me on their list they have on the other site since I didn’t run on their test track… No biggie though… I’m quite sure my car would beat any B8S4 they have tested regardless…
I think it’s good they didn’t include you for a couple of reason.
- it would be the beginning of a slippery slope and turn into a replacement for the quarter mile database
- your track is something like 1.8% downhill, while theirs is dead flat (within 0.1%) so comparing would be useless
Everything is flawed to a certain extent, but them doing testing between a bunch of cars in a controlled environment is cool. I just wish they’d go from a dig rather than 60-130.
^ “They” won’t go from a dig because the “leader board” would change ;D.
Hey…wanna sell your tubi? Some guy on audiworld is looking for one.
I have 18 inch VMR 710s with Continental DWS All seasons on it now. I have the original Pirelli summers on the stock 18 inch wheels on a rack in the garage.
those are awesome. Go with those. Wheels are reasonable weight (24 lbs or so) and tires are VERY light. They will be great for you at the strip frankly.
I’ve tried logging a little bit, but any time I get above 3-4 parameters the software hangs and stops responding. Then I have to restart it and search the long list for the parameters I’m looking at again and ultimately get frustrated and give up. Maybe updating to the latest software again will fix the bugs since I haven’t played with it for quite a few months.
skid- yeah pbox it is. the info should be taken with a grain of salt, nothing official. we are just doing for fun. It’s just cool to test different cars on the same strip.
prime- I kinda was on same page with Saki as far as your time…we just took urs out to just keep all the data the same as far as testing strip. I don’t want this becoming some national database. It’s just fun to do for me- only reason I do. you blew away our times anyways ;D but if we are gonna keep consistent… we are trying to use this one strip for every pull we do. there is no decline on our strip and we saw what a decline did for apexit’s times vs times he did here. I don’t want people complaining why I took ur time and not theirs. I have had two PM’s regarding that matter over on AZ. Just leaving that headache out. No one touching your time anytime soon anyways.
NY07- reason we don’t do from dig is because of the strip we use and access/traffic. you saw how timing is a 3 man circus lol. not really best place to do dig runs. you keep bailing on a retry anyways… waiting for that cool weather and non heat soak night I doubt leader board would change much anyways.
Skid, Download the latest verions it’s 11.11.1 or 11.11.3 I am in the office now so I can’t check… This fixes the problem you are having… I’m assuming you are using a decent laptop as well… Like Saki say those rims and tires will be good…
Tsivas, It’s all good man just having fun on a Friday… Looking forward to more results either way… later Ron
I know prime… on a positive note… we finally saw timing pull on the Revo car LOL but DA had to be +2000 to finally see some. It is also their newest flash post merger with Stasis so maybe they castrated the tune a little because the 13.27s time was very off from the 11.88s winter time. DA difference was a bunch but shouldn’t be that far off between winter summer times. Same strip and test. And exhaust was added this time.
Won’t know for sure until I install the JHM exhaust. I want to try both sets of cans and then make a decision.
My car ran 12.75-12.95 in the cold and 13.10-13.30 in the heat. Definitely a huge difference for an RS4 tsivas. Hopefully NY does go back again in the fall.
Yeah RS4 winter vs summer time we have seen is about .5-.6 secs difference I believe for data we have.
The revo is seeing ~1.4 secs difference which leads me to believe that something else is going on, especially since we are now magically seeing timing pull for the first time ever. Maybe Stasis has added or modified some more safety nets to the mix with merger. can’t say for sure.