Start guessing.

Foot in mouth. What’s up with this run? We know Arin said they did 10.6

It’s just what happens. Cars don’t always do awesome. That one is on florida

Looking forward to seeing a customer back up the 10.something

Are we sure it was even APR tuned.

Our best was:

11.909@116.76 with a 1.837 60ft Stock
11.174@123.01 with a 1.769 60ft APR Stage 1, 93, no other mods.

They did:

11.575@120.33 with a 1.886 60ft APR Stage 1, 93.

Seems right especially since the the very first pass we did was with me in the car and I only did 11.659@120.54 if I’m reading the correct slip.