Steering wheel won’t go up/down

Forward/backward still works fine. Any suggestions?

Will it click or make any noise at all. I assume your useig the electronic multi selector.

Silent. And yes. It only works in 1 dimension. Is it possible there is a loose connector somewhere?

You can pull the switch and rotate the switch or apply voltage from a 5v battery pack and see if giving voltage makes the steering wheel move. It might be the switch. You might just be able to rotate the switch and connect the wires for forward and back to the up and down and test that way as well.

Awesome. But when you say “pull the switch” do you literally mean pull it out? Or are there directions to remove?

Sorry you would need to remove the steering plastic off the column first. If you send an electronic charge through the wires and get no movement try the other wires that you know work.