Supercharger inhabitant

Only the EA837 Evo engines have the Gen 2 Blower.

Everything before that…
The same! Remember that if Audi revisions 1 part of the whole charger… A sensor, different seal or even a vacuumline. The basic partnumber of the blower will also be revised.

Interesting conversation. I don’t know very much on this. But it does seem that perhaps when Audi requested a clutch for the supercharger that some casting changes were made. How much would be interesting to know. At the very least in the bypass. Here a pic I was able to find of what I’ll call the Gen 1 and Gen 2 blowers Gen 2 = CREC. I’d add that the part number for the Gen 2 is different but that would kinda be obvious due to the clutch adaption.

Indeed different mounting points… Might be because of space needed for dual point injection.

You can see that the inlet side is different. And it goes with what the one guy in the video was saying.

You can see that indention. To me the entire inlet side looks a bit bigger but it could be the picture angle no matter what you can see the something in the casting is different for sure.

Intrigued to see your spaceman results! I ported my charger as well and developed some questions in regard to opening the inlet and how big it could be.