Swapping intake manifold - what else should I do

Ahhh, thanks for the quick response, I was going to fix it regardless but I didn’t know what it was for. It’s going to be a pain to route it out of the way but I don’t want to remove the system completely right now

So DC-S6 messaged me when he sent me the intake to tighten up the right bottom injector line before I reinstall the intake and idiot me forgot and installed/torqued it down before tightening the line. Is there a way to tighten it with the intake on? I tried shaving down my crowfoot 17mm wrench to get at it but I can’t quite get it to bite. Does anyone know a trick to get at it? If I have to remove the intake I’m assuming I have to replace the intake bolts? I torqued them down as per the spec including the extra 90 degree turn (that’s why I’m thinking torque to yield). Any help would be appreciated

At would make most sense to make sure you had the best chance to get a good tighten on the line. So that would be best taking off the intake. But you don’t need to replace the bolts.

That is a vacuum line that connects to a vacuum reservoir on passanger side

I have everything on and I think I’ve sealed up all the vacuum leaks from what I can tell but I’m still getting a epc warning on my dash and it’s not running well. The manual mentions some adaptions that need to be done to the computer after swapping them, could that be causing my issue? I have a rosstech vcds can you do it on that?

Start with posting your error codes from VCDS… If you start with that we can all help walk you along what you might need to do next.

I’ll do that, thanks.

So I finally had a few minutes to work on the car, this is the error codes I got, I did re-calibrate the throttle body as well but that didn’t see to do anything. It doesn’t look like the intake flap actuator is stuck on anything so I’m not sure why it’s saying stuck open. It seems like the low fuel pressure is the main issue, anyone have any suggestions?

VCDS – Windows Based VAG/VAS Emulator Running on Windows 10 x64
VCDS Version: (x64) HEX-V2 CB: 0.4631.4
Data version: 20230421 DS346.2

VIN: WAUDN74F68N068339 License Plate:
Mileage: 204820km-127269mi Repair Order:

Chassis Type: 4F (4L0)
Scan: 01 02 03 05 07 08 09 0E 0F 11 31 15 16 17 19 1E 36 37 42 46
47 4F 52 53 55 56 5C 61 62 65 67 6C 72 76 77

VIN: WAUDN74F68N068339 Mileage: 204820km-127269miles

00-Steering Angle Sensor – Status: OK 0000
01-Engine – Status: Malfunction 0010
02-Auto Trans – Status: OK 0000
03-ABS Brakes – Status: Malfunction 0010
05-Acc/Start Auth. – Status: Malfunction 0010
07-Control Head – Status: Malfunction 0010
08-Auto HVAC – Status: Malfunction 0010
09-Cent. Elect. – Status: OK 0000
0E-Media Player 1 – Status: OK 0000
0F-Digital Radio – Status: Malfunction 0010
11-Engine II – Status: Malfunction 0010
31-Engine other – Status: Malfunction 0010
15-Airbags – Status: OK 0000
16-Steering wheel – Status: Malfunction 0010
17-Instruments – Status: Malfunction 0010
19-CAN Gateway – Status: OK 0000
1E-Media Player 2 – Status: OK 0000
36-Seat Mem. Drvr – Status: Malfunction 0010
37-Navigation – Status: Malfunction 0010
42-Door Elect, Driver – Status: OK 0000
46-Central Conv. – Status: Malfunction 0010
47-Sound System – Status: Malfunction 0010
4F-Centr. Electr. II – Status: Malfunction 0010
52-Door Elect, Pass. – Status: OK 0000
53-Parking Brake – Status: OK 0000
55-Headlight Range – Status: Malfunction 0010
56-Radio – Status: Malfunction 0010
5C-Lane Maintain. – Status: OK 0000
61-Battery Regul. – Status: Malfunction 0010
62-Door, Rear Left – Status: OK 0000
65-Tire Pressure – Status: Malfunction 0010
67-Voice Control – Status: Malfunction 0010
6C-Back-up Cam. – Status: Malfunction 0010
72-Door, Rear Right – Status: OK 0000
76-Park Assist – Status: Malfunction 0010
77-Telephone – Status: OK 0000

Address 01: Engine (BXA) Labels:. 07L-910-552-BSM1.clb
Part No SW: 4F1 910 562 A HW: 4F1 907 552 B
Component: 5.2L V10/4V FSI ª0010
Revision: 5HH02— Serial number:
Coding: 01050009190F0160
Shop #: WSC 57876 000 1048576
VCID: 2313E06A37D48D32329-8076
VINID: 9D19547871161887801880C3242FFF523A

10 Faults Found:
000135 - Fuel Rail/System Pressure
P0087 - 002 - Too Low - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 11100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204235 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.17
Time: 05:59:36

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 457 /min
                Load: 81.9 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 24.0°C
                Temperature: 25.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 12.065 V

000135 - Fuel Rail/System Pressure
P0087 - 008 - Too Low - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00111000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204291 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.06.19
Time: 18:59:21

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 2318 /min
                Load: 95.6 %
                Speed: 48.0 km/h
                Temperature: 81.0°C
                Temperature: 24.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 880.0 mbar
                Voltage: 13.716 V

008569 - Bank 2; System Too Lean off Idle
P2179 - 001 - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00110001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204793 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.10.18
Time: 16:22:30

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 2208 /min
                Load: 52.1 %
                Speed: 15.0 km/h
                Temperature: 96.0°C
                Temperature: 38.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 900.0 mbar
                Voltage: 13.843 V

005634 - Power Supply Terminal 30
P1602 - 002 - Voltage too Low - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 0 km
Time Indication: 0

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 0 /min
                Load: 0.0 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: -40.0°C
                Temperature: -40.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 0.0 mbar
                Voltage: 0.000 V

005715 - Please check DTC Memory of ABS Controller
P1653 - 008 - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 23
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:07:29

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 0 /min
                Load: 0.0 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 21.0°C
                Temperature: 25.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 9.017 V

008198 - Intake Manifold Flap; Bank 1
P2006 - 008 - Stuck Closed
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:07:35

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 603 /min
                Load: 60.4 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 22.0°C
                Temperature: 25.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 11.303 V

001632 - Intake Manifold Tuning Valve Control Circuit (Bank 1)
P0660 - 004 - Elect. Malfunction
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01100100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 4
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:07:35

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 231 /min
                Load: 78.0 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 23.0°C
                Temperature: 25.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 11.811 V

008196 - Intake Manifold Flap; Bank 1
P2004 - 002 - Stuck Open - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 11100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:13:44

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 493 /min
                Load: 90.9 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 36.0°C
                Temperature: 27.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 12.446 V

001290 - Cold Start Idle Air Control System
P050A - 002 - Malfunction
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.27
Time: 15:19:58

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 507 /min
                Load: 91.7 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 23.0°C
                Temperature: 26.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 12.319 V

006435 - Please Check DTC Memory of ECU Number 2
P1923 - 008 -
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204821 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.06.11
Time: 14:21:04

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 0 /min
                Load: 0.0 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 30.0°C
                Temperature: 24.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 900.0 mbar
                Voltage: 11.684 V

Readiness: 0110 1101

Address 02: Auto Trans Labels: 09E-927-156.lbl
Part No SW: 4F5 910 156 F HW: 09E 927 156 C
Component: AG6 09E 5,2 FSI USA 0020
Revision: --H03— Serial number: 0112323
Coding: 0000002
Shop #: WSC 02325 758 00200
VCID: 2B03084A5F0445728A9-807E

No fault code found.

Address 03: ABS Brakes Labels: 4F0-910-517.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 517 P HW: 4F0 614 517 P
Component: ESP 8.0 quattro H05 0070
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000000000
Coding: 0020920
Shop #: WSC 02325 758 00200
VCID: 313F1A227D282FA2B05-8064

1 Fault Found:
01826 - Sensor for Steering Angle (G85); Supply Voltage Terminal 30
000 - - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100000
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 35
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204230 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:00:56

         Freeze Frame:
                Hex Value: 0x00C0
                Hex Value: 0x0282
                Hex Value: 0x0024
                Hex Value: 0x017D
                Hex Value: 0x00FF

Address 05: Acc/Start Auth. Labels:. 4F0-910-852.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 852 A HW: 4F0 905 852 C
Component: FBSAUDIC6 ELVSG H01 0050
Revision: 07020801 Serial number: 10601600891193
Coding: 0000007
Shop #: WSC 26105 444 68434
VCID: 2411E37632DA8A0A4B3-8070

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4F0 910 131 L
Component: FBSAUDIC6 EZS H45 0080

Subsystem 2 - Part No: 4F0 910 335
Component: FBSAUDIC6 KSG H27 0080

4 Faults Found:
00192 - Rear Left Door Handle Touch Sensor (G417)
011 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00111011
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 5
Reset counter: 78
Mileage: 204133 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.02.24
Time: 10:19:16

00190 - Driver’s Door Handle Touch Sensor (G415)
011 - Open Circuit - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101011
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 9
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204133 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.02.24
Time: 10:49:12

01176 - Key
004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00110100
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204616 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.07.09
Time: 16:19:25

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 4
Reset counter: 79
Time Indication: 0

Address 07: Control Head Labels: 4F0-910-7xx-07-H.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 732 D HW: 4E0 035 729 A
Component: Interfacebox H43 4140
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 361JV077518137
Coding: 0010003
Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200
VCID: 2411E37632DA8A0A4B3-8070

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4F0 910 609 E
Component: Bedienteil MMIC6H01 0060

Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 00000000898371

Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 0118.10.070000000100010173ÿ

Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 010173ÿ

1 Fault Found:
01964 - Control Module for Seat & Steering Column Memory (J136)
004 - No Signal/Communication - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100100
Fault Priority: 5
Fault Frequency: 13
Reset counter: 79
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.05.29
Time: 11:04:14

Address 08: Auto HVAC Labels: 4F0-910-043.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 043 A HW: 4F1 820 043 AG
Revision: 00000053 Serial number: 00000000453747
Coding: 0524330
Shop #: WSC 02325 758 00200
VCID: 1C61DB960AAAB2CAF33-8048

1 Fault Found:
00797 - Sunlight Photo Sensor (G107)
009 - Open or Short to Ground - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101001
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 5
Reset counter: 53
Mileage: 204231 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.03.15
Time: 17:13:26

Address 09: Cent. Elect. Labels: 4F0-910-279.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 279 J HW: 4F0 907 279 A
Component: ILM Fahrer H18 0250
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 4F0907279
Coding: 0115123
Shop #: WSC 91520 999 999999
VCID: 30391F26762226AABFB-8064

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4F1 910 113 C Labels: 1KX-955-119.CLB
Component: Wischer AudiC6 H05 0210
Coding: 00064784
Shop #: WSC 91520

Subsystem 2 - Part No: 4E0 910 557 B Labels: 8K0-955-559.CLB
Coding: 00150573
Shop #: WSC 91520

No fault code found.

Address 0E: Media Player 1 (R192) Labels:. 4E0-035-785.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 035 785 B HW: 4E0 035 785 B
Component: SG ext.Player H15 0700
Revision: 00000000
VCID: 270BF47A4FEC61126E1-8072

No fault code found.

Address 0F: Digital Radio Labels: 4E0-910-593-SIR.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 593 K HW: 4E0 035 593 F
Component: SDAR SIRIUS H07 0140
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: AUZ4Z7G0174147
Coding: 0000100
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 2F3B1C5A6B1C3952A61-807A

1 Fault Found:
02635 - Tuner Not Enabled/Activated
000 - -
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01100000
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 9
Mileage: 204133 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.02.24
Time: 10:11:49

Address 11: Engine II Labels:. 07L-910-552-BSM2.clb
Part No SW: 4F1 910 562 A HW: 4F1 907 552 B
Component: 5.2L V10/4V FSI ª0010
Revision: 5HH02— Serial number:
Coding: 01050009190F0160
Shop #: WSC 57876 000 1048576
VCID: 2313E06A37D48D32329-8076

7 Faults Found:
000768 - Random/Multiple Cylinder Misfire Detected
P0300 - 008 - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204350 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.06.22
Time: 06:07:46

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 806 /min
                Load: 49.4 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 25.0°C
                Temperature: 19.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 14.097 V

004230 - Mixture Regulation; Bank 4; Range 2
P1086 - 001 - Lean Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00110001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204734 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.10.17
Time: 20:28:17

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 1489 /min
                Load: 43.5 %
                Speed: 67.0 km/h
                Temperature: 81.0°C
                Temperature: 29.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 900.0 mbar
                Voltage: 13.716 V

004226 - Mixture Regulation; Bank 3; Range 2
P1082 - 001 - Lean Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00110001
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204735 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.10.17
Time: 20:29:14

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 1635 /min
                Load: 40.8 %
                Speed: 75.0 km/h
                Temperature: 92.0°C
                Temperature: 30.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 900.0 mbar
                Voltage: 13.970 V

005634 - Power Supply Terminal 30
P1602 - 002 - Voltage too Low - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 0 km
Time Indication: 0

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 0 /min
                Load: 0.0 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: -40.0°C
                Temperature: -40.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 0.0 mbar
                Voltage: 0.000 V

005715 - Please check DTC Memory of ABS Controller
P1653 - 008 - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 23
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:07:29

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 0 /min
                Load: 0.0 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 21.0°C
                Temperature: 25.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 8.763 V

008197 - Intake Manifold Flap; Bank 2
P2005 - 002 - Stuck Open - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 11100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:13:44

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 439 /min
                Load: 94.1 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 36.0°C
                Temperature: 27.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 890.0 mbar
                Voltage: 12.446 V

008199 - Intake Manifold Flap; Bank 2
P2007 - 008 - Stuck Closed - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 3
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:16:09

         Freeze Frame:
                RPM: 1087 /min
                Load: 48.6 %
                Speed: 0.0 km/h
                Temperature: 20.0°C
                Temperature: 22.0°C
                Absolute Pres.: 900.0 mbar
                Voltage: 11.684 V

Address 15: Airbags Labels: 4F0-910-655-8R.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 655 K HW: 4F0 959 655 D
Component: 7Q AIRBAG AUDI8RH30 0400
Revision: 02H30000 Serial number: 003BMD0208Z8
Coding: 0014161
Shop #: WSC 02325 758 00200
VCID: 2F3B1C5A6B1C3952A61-807A

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4F0 910 339 B
Component: BF-Gewichtsens. H03 0060

Subsystem 2 - Serial number: 6332CSME3332560A-

Subsystem 3 - Serial number: 6342CSME33325A47%

Subsystem 4 - Serial number: 6352QSME410327712

Subsystem 5 - Serial number: 6362QSME410137611

Subsystem 6 - Serial number: 63734SME3F1A3261%

Subsystem 7 - Serial number: 63834SME70732454Y

No fault code found.

Address 16: Steering wheel Labels: 4F0-910-549.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 549 A HW: 4F0 953 549 D
Component: J0527 0410
Revision: 00H03000 Serial number: 90025072780041
Coding: 0032141
Shop #: WSC 02323 758 00200
VCID: 270BF47A43EC61126E1-8072

Subsystem 1 - Part No: XXXXXXXXXXX
Component: E0221 H01 0030

1 Fault Found:
00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:46

Address 17: Instruments Labels: 4F0-910-xxx-17.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 930 C HW: 4F0 920 981 Q
Component: KOMBIINSTR. M73 H21 0240
Revision: 00700000 Serial number: 73035T3A7
Coding: 2129288
Shop #: WSC 55567 067 57207
VCID: 2313E06A37D48D32329-8076

1 Fault Found:
00532 - Supply Voltage B+
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:38

Address 19: CAN Gateway Labels:. 4L0-910-468.clb
Part No SW: 4L0 910 468 A HW: 4L0 907 468 C
Component: J533__Gateway H06 0060
Revision: 00H06000 Serial number: 1000D0780381C0
Coding: F5D5DEF7727A0600
Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200
VCID: 2D07065261104B4294D-8078

No fault code found.

Address 1E: Media Player 2 Labels: 4E0-910-111.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 110 C HW: 4E0 035 110 A
Component: MP3-Changer H46 0350
Revision: 00046006 Serial number: AUZ5ZBG3504886
Shop #: WSC 00000 000 00000
VCID: 1869C786FE92DEEAD7B-804C

No fault code found.

Address 36: Seat Mem. Drvr Labels: None
Part No SW: 4F0 910 760 HW: 4F0 959 760
Component: Sitzmemory FS H04 0050
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000896400
Coding: 0082954
Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200
VCID: 619FAA626D48DF22605-8034

1 Fault Found:
00532 - Supply Voltage B+
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 2
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:41

Address 37: Navigation Labels: 4E0-910-88x-37.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 888 M HW: 4E0 919 887 M
Component: MNS US H50 1100
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 395JZ077505174
Shop #: WSC 26118 444 68101
VCID: 382927069E52FEEAF7B-806C

3 Faults Found:
00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:46

         Freeze Frame:
                Hex Value: 0x464A
                Hex Value: 0xF35E
                Hex Value: 0x0045

02261 - Data Medium
014 - Defective - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00101110
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 39
Reset counter: 53
Mileage: 200534 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2021.11.05
Time: 23:06:36

         Freeze Frame:
                Hex Value: 0x464B
                Hex Value: 0x0B9B
                Hex Value: 0x0D00
                Hex Value: 0x94CE

02927 - DVD Read Error
000 - - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100000
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 66
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 201650 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2021.12.14
Time: 07:12:43

         Freeze Frame:
                Hex Value: 0x639F
                Hex Value: 0x423B
                Hex Value: 0x04FF
                Hex Value: 0x0000

Address 42: Door Elect, Driver Labels: 4F0-910-793-42.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 793 E HW: 4F0 959 793 E
Component: TSG FA H12 0210
Revision: 00-00000
Coding: 0051947
Shop #: WSC 02327 758 00200
VCID: 2C010B565A0A424A833-8078

No fault code found.

Address 46: Central Conv. Labels:. 4F0-910-289.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 289 J HW: 4F0 907 289 J
Component: Komfortgeraet H26 0210
Revision: 02100026 Serial number: 01073459400000
Coding: 4618269
Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200
VCID: 313F1A227D282FA2B05-8064

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 1K0 951 605 C
Component: LIN BACKUP HORN H03 1301

1 Fault Found:
01134 - Alarm Horn (H12)
012 - Electrical Fault in Circuit
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 01101100
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 254
Reset counter: 39
Mileage: 131476 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2018.01.03
Time: 11:50:14

Address 47: Sound System Labels: 4F0-910-223-BO.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 223 J HW: 4F0 035 223 G
Component: DSP-High C6 H10 0240
Revision: PROD_01 Serial number: 00000000056421
Coding: 0000026
Shop #: WSC 02323 785 00200
VCID: 2517FE7239E073025CD-8070

1 Fault Found:
00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:20:10

         Freeze Frame:
                Voltage: 7.70 V

Address 4F: Centr. Electr. II Labels: 4F0-910-280.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 280 HW: 4F0 907 280 C
Component: ILM Beifahrer H12 0100
Revision: Serial number: 00000000092801
Coding: 0012014
Shop #: WSC 02323 758 00200
VCID: 5EE5919E5C36E0DA5D7-800A

1 Fault Found:
00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00110010
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:00

         Freeze Frame:
                Voltage: 6.700 V
                Temperature: 20.0°C

Address 52: Door Elect, Pass. Labels: 4F0-910-793-52.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 793 E HW: 4F0 959 792 E
Component: TSG BF H12 0210
Revision: 00-00000
Coding: 0051947
Shop #: WSC 02327 758 00200
VCID: 2C010B565A0A424A833-8078

No fault code found.

Address 53: Parking Brake Labels: 4F0-910-801.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 801 C HW: 4F0 907 801 A
Component: EPB CDEC0080 H04 0080
Revision: --H04—
Coding: 0008022
Shop #: WSC 02145 785 00200
VCID: 2019EF6626C2962A2FB-8074

No fault code found.

Address 55: Headlight Range Labels: 4F0-910-357.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 357 F HW: 4F0 907 357 F
Component: AFS 1 H01 0020
Revision: 00000001 Serial number:
Coding: 0000016
Shop #: WSC 02325 758 00200
VCID: 290FF24255F85762785-807C

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4F0 941 329 B
Component: AFS-Modul links H02 0020

Subsystem 2 - Part No: 4F0 941 329 B
Component: AFS-Modul rechtsH01 0010

2 Faults Found:
02629 - Sensor for Swivel Module Position; Left
008 - Implausible Signal - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 11101000
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 197
Reset counter: 39
Mileage: 204136 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.02.24
Time: 10:11:48

00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 2
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 40
Mileage: 204824 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:46

Address 56: Radio Labels: 4E0-910-541.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 541 Q HW: 4F0 035 541 L
Component: TUNER EU/US/RDW H42 0620
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 394J1077823694
Coding: 0000002
Shop #: WSC 02323 785 00200
VCID: 2E05015E6C16305AAD7-807A

1 Fault Found:
00532 - Supply Voltage B+
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:20:37

Address 5C: Lane Maintain. Labels: None
Part No SW: 4E0 910 217 C HW: 4E0 907 217 C
Component: J759 LDW H06 0070
Revision: 00H06012 Serial number: 400207A180009C
Coding: 0000103
Shop #: WSC 02323 785 00200
VCID: 2019EF6626C2962A2FB-8074

No fault code found.

Address 61: Battery Regul. Labels: 4F0-910-181.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 181 E HW: 4F0 915 181 A
Component: J0644 BEM H12 0590
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000000151792
Shop #: WSC 26118 444 68101
VCID: 2313E06A37D48D32329-8076

Subsystem 1 - Part No: 4F0 915 105 D
Component: von VA0 320910A19F
Coding: 344630393135313035442056413033323039313041313946
Shop #: WSC 57876 000 1048576

5 Faults Found:
02272 - Quiescent Current Stage 1
000 - - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100000
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 26
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204287 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.05.13
Time: 14:39:13

02273 - Quiescent Current Stage 2
000 - - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100000
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 17
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204287 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.05.13
Time: 14:42:40

02276 - Quiescent Current Stage 5
000 - - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100000
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 17
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204287 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.05.13
Time: 14:42:49

02274 - Quiescent Current Stage 3
000 - - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100000
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 16
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204287 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.05.13
Time: 14:43:00

02277 - Quiescent Current Stage 6
000 - - - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100000
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 6
Reset counter: 255
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.12.27
Time: 19:54:27

Address 62: Door, Rear Left Labels: 4F0-910-795.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 795 E HW: 4F0 959 795 E
Component: TSG HL H21 0210
Coding: 0051754
Shop #: WSC 02327 758 00200
VCID: 2E05015E6C16305AAD7-807A

No fault code found.

Address 65: Tire Pressure Labels: 4F0-910-273-BA.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 273 B HW: 4F0 907 273 A
Component: Reifendruck 3 H05 0100
Revision: 00050100 Serial number: 00000700058367
Coding: 0062725
Shop #: WSC 02335 785 00200
VCID: 221DE56E28CE843A39F-8076

2 Faults Found:
00532 - Supply Voltage B+
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 10100010
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2000.01.01
Time: 12:00:00

         Freeze Frame:
                (no units): 0.0
                Voltage: 6.50 V
                (no units): 42.0
                    Not Recogn.
                    Not Recogn.
                    Not Recogn.
                    Not Recogn.

01521 - Sensor for Tire Pressure
004 - No Signal/Communication - MIL ON
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 11100100
Fault Priority: 3
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 38
Mileage: 204815 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2022.12.18
Time: 15:50:44

         Freeze Frame:
                (no units): 93.0
                Voltage: 14.40 V
                (no units): 61.0
                    Not Recogn.
                    Not Recogn.
                    Not Recogn.
                    Not Recogn.

Address 67: Voice Control Labels: 4E0-910-75x-67.lbl
Part No SW: 4E0 910 754 Q HW: 4E0 035 753 A
Component: SDS 3501 US H46 0630
Revision: 00000000 Serial number: 00000710080261
Shop #: WSC 12336 024 394758
VCID: 34311336823A1A8ADB3-8060

1 Fault Found:
00532 - Supply Voltage B+
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 7
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:05:39

Address 6C: Back-up Cam. Labels: 4L0-910-441.clb
Part No SW: 4F0 910 441 HW: 4L0 907 441 A
Component: J772__Rearview 0050
Revision: --H12— Serial number: 525PA8-J7920LQ
Coding: 1000204
Shop #: WSC 02145 758 00200
VCID: 5DE796925130FBC244D-8008

1 Fault Found:
00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 4
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:37

         Freeze Frame:
                    Term 15 Off
                    Reverse OFF
                Count: 3

Address 72: Door, Rear Right Labels: 4F0-910-795.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 795 E HW: 4F0 959 794 E
Component: TSG HR H21 0210
Coding: 0051754
Shop #: WSC 02327 758 00200
VCID: 2E05015E6C16305AAD7-807A

No fault code found.

Address 76: Park Assist Labels: 4Fx-910-283.lbl
Part No SW: 4F0 910 283 F HW: 4F0 919 283 F
Component: Parkhilfe 4-Kan H09 0060
Revision: 00H09000 Serial number: 06240729004870
Coding: 0021306
Shop #: WSC 131071 1023 2097151
VCID: 270BF47A43EC61126E1-8072

1 Fault Found:
00446 - Function Limitation due to Under-Voltage
002 - Lower Limit Exceeded - Intermittent
Freeze Frame:
Fault Status: 00100010
Fault Priority: 6
Fault Frequency: 1
Reset counter: 79
Mileage: 204820 km
Time Indication: 0
Date: 2007.05.16
Time: 12:04:54

Is there a way to get the actual fuel pressure from the software? I’m hoping I don’t need to replace my high pressure fuel pumps but I’m not sure what else if could be. Still not sure what’s causing the intake flaps to not open

Measureblock 140 shows rail pressure if that is what u are looking for, remember to see both engine module 1 and 2, for both rails.

You have to get it up to operating temp first correct?

Everything is better at operating temp, but technically, might not be nessesary here. The HPFP are camdriven, so affected by RPM alone. Regulator not sure, but most likely minor, if any, changes from engine temp.

I’ll try that tonight, I’m thinking it’s my hpfp’s but I’m hoping it’s something else. Those damn things are not cheap to replace

So I checked the fuel pressure and this is what I got:

Sorry for the crappy pictures but my garage laptop doesn’t have many programs on it so I had to take a picture. The most it got up to with a blip on the gas is around 10 bar on both banks. Also I tried to do the intake flaps reset but I jet get an error:

Anyone have any ideas what could be causing that?

Does it even run at this point? The two rails are connected if im not mistaken, so somewhat even pressure is no suprise. However, even 1 HPFP alone should manage higher pressure than that without an issue. So I would honestly guess its one of the following;

HPFP not getting sufficient fuel(clogged filter, or bad LPFP)
Fuel pressure regulator faulty, just trying to constantly dump pressure.
Fuel leaking out, not able to generate pressure. But this would smell instantly and be obvious.
Both HPFP unable to generate pressure could indicate both pumps being bad/bad cam follower.(Unlikely because of the symmetry).
Faulty pressure sensors(Unlikely because of symmentry).

Does the car run? Idle? Alright? Terribly?

There is only one fuel pressure sensor (G247) on the HP side. It is located under the IM. Both Engine and Engine II modules report values from this sensor.

Fuel filter? Incorrect flow or low max pressure (once i had filter with lower max pressure than oem, and i get error low pressure)

HPFP have small filter similar like on pic belove, maybe they are clogged, in one of my hpfp filter had some derbs

Get pumps out, check cam followers, clean up pumps and try again. Or maybe yours hpfp pressure regulators stuck so it bypas pressure, can check that with 12v if they clicking and “pin” is moving

It is idling ok-ish but not great, once it calms down it will just sit and idle. However it’s very rough at startup

In most configurations cold start on the 5.2 V10 is a bit rough. On the cold start the 02s are not giving feedback until they’re warm the car is basically in open loop. So the car will idle with what is basically your last LTFT data.

The JHM tune helps this quite a bit by sorting out some of those issues.

Still your fuel pressure issue seems like it too could be playing a roll. Not only that but I’d be worried about the possible fuel starvation on WOT