Thermo couplers / will this work?

Amprobe TMD-51 Thermometer K/J-Type with Memory

If I want to measure say intake (air box) temps will this suffice? One probe at the front and one further back.

Not while driving more for product testing, or air flow changes, etc

From the information listed it looks like it should work. Depending on what your doing you might need longer leads and the placement of the probes would also be a big deal.

When I did temp testing on my intake manifold pre and post JHM intake spacer install you can see a wide range of temps depending on where you scan or put the probe.

This would be for an intake system( intake at front of car, filter and box, tube that goes from box to turbo intake)

The battery in the TTS is in the trunk so I’ve got quite a lot of room on that side of the engine. I should be able to rig up a holder for the logger part.

What type of measurements did you end up taking; what I’ve come up with so far is:

outside temp

Stock box: air temp at entrance to box, pre filter / temp post filter at the mid point of the turbo inlet tube (closest point to the engine but not right next to the turbo)

Aftermarket air box:

Pre filter temp inside box
Post filter inside box
Post filter at mid point of tube(inside)
Outside temp of tube at same point of inside measurement

Anything else I’m missing? MQB platform is the data logging the same?

This is the area I’m talking about