This doesn't sound good


My father needed a Jump for his Explorer. So we hook everything up and let it charge for a min. When he gets ready to try and start it, I give the S6 a little throttle to reduce the spike when he starts his.

I am standing outside my car with the hood open, and I stick my foot in to rev up a little bit and hear the most ungodly noise come from my engine bay. I have no idea how long it’s been making this noise as you cant hear it with the hood closed.

Is this noise what I think it is?

(The first 10-15 sec of video is normal at idle, after that I increase from idle to about 1500-2000rpm)

At 1500-2000rpm, my engine bay sounds like a diesel canal boat! :’(

My gut says it sounds like plastic rattling around which makes me thing that the flap runners in the IM are shot and plastic flaps are just bouncing around in there.

Think I’m on the right track? Anybody else got any idea what could make that kind of racket?

Thanks in advance as always.