Thoughts on my Week ban on Fourtitude

So someone is selling a used JHM intake manifold on Fourtitude and i posted in the thread that the price seems a little high and that they have generally been selling used between 900-1k in price. Apparently, you get banned for that. Meanwhile, ive never had any kind of warning before (to my knowledge).

Either the seller is that butthurt that he had to cry to an admin for me to get a week long ban, or some mod over there has a power problem. I just dont get it. The way i grew up, if you have an issue with someone you speak to them like an adult and handle the situation. in my mind i dont think i was out of line, but someone told me it was rude. If thats the case say something and ill edit or delete it. Thoughts? was i out of line or not.

The forum model is dying. Car talk is moving to Facebook Groups. You can get banned from one of them, but there are hundreds and most car guys/girls are in 5 or mote groups with big overlap. So you can’t truly get banned from interacting with the same people. You can block someone, but all it does it make their comments invisible to you only. Doing things in true name makes for a slightly better community.

I noticed your post was deleted from the AZ thread too.

Oh, it is posted for sale on here, too. I am interested in it.

That is a shame. That is more and more why I just help and post here. IF people ask me about websites I just recomend this one. It makes no sense that you cant add comments espically if they are there to help the consumer or the seller. Its not like you are a troll. Sure your comments could effect peoples outlook on what the intakes can be worth but at the same time parts are worth what people are willing to pay. So even if someone has over priced there parts its up to the market to help decide what is and what isnt too much. You popping in to help give an overall idea shouldnt be off limits. If people are not suposed to post in clasified threads dont allow posts then.

Sounds like crap to me more reason to suggest AR to folks

Exactly Justin. I do visit a few sites a week, and normally if someone seems technical and a big DIY’er i send them here. If i said no way your getting that price or what you thinking maybe i would understand. But saying the last few pieces sold around 1k is hardly rude imo. Especially when he is trying to sell the thing for what it costs new. Whatever, ill ride my week out. I just thought it was ridicolous to ban me with no warning or previous bad behavior.

Additional comment, I wrote the moderator it says to contact on fourtitude for questions or reinstatement and his line was that since fourtitude sold out to (auto group or whoever bought them out) that they have no say in the bans or rules on the forum. He told me that HE thought it was a bit over the top but they wanted to perma ban people for “disparaging” comments but they fought with them to make it a week long and not permanent. Not sure if i buy the story or not.

The engagement on Facebook Groups really is a lot more fluid. The whole 2 billion users and no bullshit karma systems or loser moderators.

Facebook based car forums suck a big fat one, they are horrible. Trolls and spam galor and there really isn’t a way to save or search the info. All conversations are lost and worthless within an hour of the number of group members is large.

I’m not surprised west likes it though.

I noticed it was deleted from AZ as well. The way I see it, you weren’t out of line or posted bull shit. You posted a fact. Seller got butthurt and cried to mods, which is silly to me. If you don’t want comments, then post on Craigslist or eBay. Otherwise that’s what forum is for.

The regional groups are great. So easy to sell parts locally, organize or invite people to meetups to do actual car shit, figure out what local shops can help you with something, relate on relative prices of services in your market, etc. The groups have like 1000-2000 people in them and they all login to Facebook daily, so it really gets seen. The regional areas of regular forums typically have “0 viewing”. So I get stuck listening to Sakimono about how expensive a used B7 is in Canadia.

I pretty much ignore the facebook car groups I’m in as they’re mostly morons/kids who know nothing about their cars. Complete waste of data and time for me.

As far as the FB stuff, for certain things its great. Meets, shows local gatherings and selling stuff. HOWEVER, it may just be me, but most of the people i see writing stuff on FB posts in groups seem to stupid, childish or just immature. I use them for local news (events) or even to see whats being sold, but thats about it.

Fourtitude is dead for the B7 section anyway. I actually go on there more for the TT section to learn more about it or keep up with that platform (mostly because my father has one). I just thought getting banned for something so stupid and trivial was surpising. Audizine gave me a warning and deleted my post as a few of you have noticed.

Did you at least get an explanation of why from either forum?

You weren’t banned. You were suspended, yes?

P. S. It’s ironic you called the facebook people stupid in the same sentence where you misspelled the word ‘too’. :slight_smile:

Audizine said i was being rude and i shoudnt post anything unless i am buying Stubek

Fourtitude said i made disparaging remarks on someones post.

And Saki, nice catch im usually pretty good on my grammar.

You shouldn’t post anything unless you’re buying something??? Are you fucking kidding me… You should ask him where does that state in AZ forum guidelines. If anything you were helping (1) seller with what these actually sold for in the past, so he could adjust his price accordingly(that is if he chooses to do so) to sell it faster (B) buyer what to expect to pay for an item with out being ripped off by an overpriced item. At the end of the day, seller doesn’t have to do shit and could sit on his price all he wants to, it was just an damn FYI post. Unfuckingbelivable. Where is this mod when in RS4 section trolls are running free and posting straight up fabricated lies and name call everybody who doesn’t agree i.e. Bootleg25q, Marvigo, Corbett, etc…

Place really is a zoo lately

Heh I’ve joined the club after pointing out inconsistencies in statements by a Black Forest Industries salesman in a non-advertiser’s thread.

I made one post, using a screenshot of what he was writing on facebook, then the quotes he had in the Fourtitude thread, three emojis and “nice try”.

[quote=michael@blackforest]Installed a new engine mount yesterday. We took a video to see how bad engine movement was after 120,000 miles on the original mounts. Soon I’ll be doing the trans mount and torque arm insert as well.

[quote=MisterJJ]#1: Why the bloody hell would the maker of engine mounts wait until 120k miles to replace theirs?

[quote=michael@blackforest]#1. Hey, now. When I started working here they already had like 110k, aha. We just did DIY videos and such for install using my car so I had to wait until the timing was right.

Of course BFI had my post deleted and I was banned for one week immediately. Guess that’s what $600/mo buys you. Joe@blackforest (owner) then decided to PM members who were displeased with the ban. What a joke.

What a joke… They BFI did the same things on AZ and if anyone even mentined anything they would demand actions against the members. BFI would spam the forums with non stop adds and people would get sick of it.

Well your always welcome here. There loss is our gain

Wow, thats some serious bullshit. Its one thing if you are bad mouthing their product, its another if you find them in a lie and call them out on it. Jesus.

BFI always had that passive aggressive attitude on AZ, so I’m not surprised what happened on Fortitude… Shame they carry themselves like that on public forums.