Trouble creating an account.

To make for a faster site we make sure no google or any search bots make there way on to the site. This helps keep the site fast and more usable.

Some members have signed up for the site and they receive the “You’re a spam bot” message.

9 out of 10 times its been because they didn’t answer the security question properly

You need to spell out how many rings a Audi has in its logo. Don’t use any capital letters. This is the most common mistake that results in a spam bot message.

When you make a successful registration, you will receive a E mail letting you know. From that point your account should be up and running in a hour or so. long enough for the system to update.

If you still run into other issues. Please E mail me straight away.

If your E mailing me about trying to create an account.

Please include your
Requested Screen name
E mail adress

Ill make sure I search and sort this and another issues you may have out.

Thanks and thanks for your consideration as as a site for your use.