That’s pretty funny. Gotta be his first attempt at the track. It is intimidating when you’re new to it. Interesting that he didn’t fly backwards, though. If he thought it was in first gear, he was setting himself up for an epic fail of a launch.

I feel better about my 17 second ESP run lol.

LOL! Not sure how someone could be in reverse by accident… I could definetly see 3rd by accident but reverse? Ouch!

Happens a lot. Two scenarios

1 guy pulls right up to the tree because he doesn’t know what he’s doing… Track help tells him to back up till he’s proper staged then they say stop! Them he forgets to put it back in first

2 Guy stages deeper than he wanted to, then backs up a bit then forgets to put it back in first

Hoped it was a joke and the TTRS was going to throw it into 1st and blow the doors off the Honda, but noo.