well F me... hit AGAIN! &@%^*!

divided road, lady pulled out from a stop and turned right into me. :stuck_out_tongue: Was a divided road so didn’t think anything of it when she pulled away from the stop sign; a lot of people pull into the median and wait for traffic to clear at this particular stop…she didn’t. Didn’t even look she said. Yay.

Her right front bumper hit dead on the rear wheel - tweaked the suspension and knocked chunks out of the wheel. Very little body damage (thankfully), a couple of scrapes in the quarter aft of the wheel and bumper cover really scuffed on the corner; the same bumper cover I had to replace last year.

The whole core support on her minivan was shifted about an inch and a half - pretty decent hit. I mean, I’m bummed I’ve got suspension damage and it definitely would’ve been a total if she’d hit say the doors or the rear quarter dead on but it’s crazy how tough this car is!

She’s got no-name insurance and probably only the state minimum. Outta pocket for the rental car and possibly the deductible. JUST replaced the fuel pump and was on the way to drop it off for airbag recall, another carbon clean (mech got a walnut blaster and wants a go), alignment, valve cover gaskets and the remainder of the “small” things to clear the remaining non OBD codes.