If I was a jiggalo I wouldn’t be on the forums and I would be the happiest man alive. Like I said it isn’t about the money, i only brought up costs to refute your it’s only a couple of hours and $25 argument. That’s all.
Let’s start a betting pool on what a 492 whp b8 s4 should run in the quarter mile.
I would guess that is about 80 WHP more than primetime or bear would put down on race gas. So knowing that he is a manual car and will lose a couple of tenths on shifting and launching…what will he run?
If we look at other awd Audi platforms that made ~500 whp, and considering the weight of his car, I think we’d expect paper to trap about 125 mph, and run the quarter mile in around 11.5 seconds. Preferably at a certified dragstrip, not some clown show with built in fifty foot elevation changes and adjusted timing to compensate (and the built in excuses parade like every other time Eurocode touched b8s4s hit the strip) .
Primetime said he would pay for your gas there and back. You drive a b8 s4 which should achieve, with ease, 25 mpg on the highway. 750 miles round trip means 30gallons of gas. That’s $120.
You will need forty dollars of race gas. That’s it. I think primetime said he would pay for that too.
It’s Sacramento for fucks sake… You aren’t going to spend more than $65 for a four star hotel on priceline.
Test and tune is like $25 up there
Total cost is $250…and prime me offered to cover $160 of it and would pay you bonuses if you actually run good times which should be a breeze. I will pay for your hotel room by booking it on priceline myself. Four stars.
So even though you blow thousands of dollars on lawyers and cocaine as you love to boast, all you have to come up with is indeed $25 as euroswagr said.
Step up big shot. I can’t wait to see that 11.50 @ 125
hey numbers guy…on a dynapack we’ve already seen 460 whp on another car…don’t forget to make another spreadsheet there buddy. dyno type, operator, DA, race or pump, karma count, etc…
Great input Jspazz, suck his dick a little more. The point is the kid should back up his mouth, fuck a poll lets start a poll of excuses he will make not to run at a dragstrip…the funny thing for me is I really like the B8s like I’ve said before…but the one thing I hate are baseless claims and the guys who talk shit on platforms they know nothing about. Considering paper is a manual and actually has to bang gears…even with 492 whp I don’t see him breaking 11.90s
Are you jealous? Would you like to come here and suck my dick? Just being courteous! Even if I don’t go to the racetrack, I don’t need to give you any excuses. Your a nobody on the other side of a keyboard, I don’t owe you a thing.
Hahaha I love how everything you guys say is based off speculation, predictions, doubt and pure jealousy. You have 0 evidence of anything. You have my amazing , 100% legit dyno with witnesses from 10-12 other competing shops and 25+ human beings in and around the dyno. All you can do is hate, hate, hate, like your at the haters ball. You guys are freaking pathetic.
Euro, insults aside, you actually don’t know how to read. Here, I’ll spell it out for you.
492 whp on a dynapack with a dozen other tuners watching and worried about the competition. I’m comparing to 460 whp on a dynapack with a setup comparable to any of primetime, bear or paper…but with stock headers and cats. Yeah, subtract a couple tenths for the 6MT, and sure, 11.9 is possible, when he gets to a track. So now you backpedal and say 11.9, which is what APR did in the only run on the stage III B8 S5? Why do you try so hard to shit disturb all the time? Bigserve hasn’t even talked about going to the track.
you said it before, when I asked “who are you”, you said “nobody important”. That’s how I always remember you now.
on that very same dynapack (paperfag’s favorite dyno due to his enjoyment of getting his shit packed in by big black men) a stage III RS4 would be at 520whp, 550whp? Ill i here is this “492 whp nitrous sprayed” fake dyno number
Before I continue let’s get one thing straight. I don’t appreciate the racism and the racist comments towards African Americans needs to stop. Your already proving yourself to be a low down disgusting racist and I don’t appreciate it.
Now to your idiotic and once again completely false and speculative guess on the RS4 dyno. What was your guess again? 520whp? 550WHP??? Try again dumbass how about less then 440whp on a dynapack. http://www.goapr.com/products/stage3_b7_rs4.html
Your spread of lies, and misinformation, and slander might get eaten up by your handful of butt buddies. But they are completely transparent to everyone else. It is completely obvious what kind of lying racist piece of shit you are.
Try again dumbass I’m waiting.
Don’t forget that currently, there is no race gas tune for this setup. So until they do, the INCONVENIENT TRUTH is that there are several B8 S4 APR stage IIs that are faster than their own stage III 4.2 setup. And regardless, most of you think the setup with the undersized blower is pretty much pointless to the RS4…why are you so excited about it now?
Well I forgot to mention, that dyno sheet is not credible. Unless that dyno gets up right fucking now and drive 5:30 hours to a race track for some gay dudes on the Internet we can’t get any useful info on it. We should all gang up and hate on that dyno and hassle him everyday (while we jerk each other off) till he quits his job and heads straight to the dragstrip for our amusement.
Talking about your job and how you enjoy get packed by big black men is racist? Why are you so mad? Mad because you got caught lying and now we all know what you do for work.
Anyone else think it’s funny how papery quotes the same post and replies to it with multiple posts? It’s like he’s costanza and has a ‘THATS WHAT I SHOULD HAVE SAID!!!’ moment… But doesn’t notice the edit button. Never mind the narcissistic fantasies and constantly thinking everyone is jealous about his car. This to me is the funniest trait.