…and they wonder why the 4.2 guys like me always join the discussions. I really wish the best to any enthusiast, unless they run their mouth constantly, tell blatant lies, or talk shit against my platform. Mid 11 B6/7 S4 on pump , full interior will be here soon enough. Then the B5 guys will only trailer their cars to and from the dyno in fear of meeting a B6/7 on the street or god forbid the track…
It’s funny cause I really have nothing against the 4.2…until guys like yourself and saki start taking a dump in every b5 thread about the quarter mile when only 2 4.2 cars are in the top 31 on The Precious
Your an idiot dude, we don’t take a dump we just ask why all B5s fail so miserably in the real world while making 5000hp on the dyno. I only have a problem with you because you cheerlead for a MOUTH. Your buddy ran his mouth for the last year or more, most of it with a non-running car and is now a street race king. All we want is a 10 sec pass, when that happens I will probably congratulate him.
While we are discussing your analyzation of the 1/4mile list…can you point me to your times? I don’t hate the 2.7t B5 guys, why are your trying to make this a pissing contest.
Like I said before, when the B6/7 is around for 13 years like the B5s maybe we can revisit the list.
I wish my rs4 only had 30k dollars worth of mods that’s an insult to me Corbett!!! Reckon my B5 will smash my b7’s time by a fair margin though, if it makes any difference I can some up high power b5 versus high b7 quite well. B5 when you want scared because nothing beats the way it delivers torque and B7 for when you want to go effortlessly fast with no drama
Bro… none of the v8 guys are saying our cars are the gift to the audi cominity and none of us are callingpeople out oonly to then race…loose…and make a long list of excuses. …more people talk about having a fast b5 then have fast b5 cars.
There are long list of trolls and most all of them are old washed up b5 guys srill clinging on to the platform like the b8 s4 isnt takeing numbers and kicking ass making the 25k b5 s4 bu8lds looks stupid…
Carbeet I think I get u. You seems cool excited for your car. Seems you are on the unpopular side of a few debates.
Its nit that anyone is talking shit its just hard to egnore
The b5s can be fast if…
You have race gas
Your car is actually running
Your transmission isnt broken again
You actually spend money on good parts
Dont have tial turbos. …or if yiu do
You can only race abive 70mph
Only race off your dyno sheet
Tje b5 jist ismt impressive any more. It has a few shingimg lights and a few exciting guys. For the most parts its a bunth of guys telling us how great there non running cars are ahile they dont like the obvious blunders and fIlures to be po8nted out
I have pump gas 100% of the gas stations with in 1 mile of my house carry E85 so it comes out of a pump not a 5 gallon VP canister. My trans is great. My car is running I dont have tial turbos I prefer to race from 40 rolls. I spend money on non CHINA parts. HMM but saki says my car is slow LOL. only thing that is slow is UPS on getting MY ecu back from california.
Im tuning My car with 3 files.
20psi e85 file to re-race hunter from a roll. This time no passenger and the MUST a “baby seat mod”
SHIT 93 octane e10 fuel like all the b7 rs4 losers run max boost until nock NO METH
32 PSI FTW purple e85 tune “heart breaker/bring a fucking supercharged or turbo 4.2L r8 out”
Just as a fyi that wasnt directed at you…that is what 99% of what all b5 guys have wrong or need to be using. I think your combination sounds good. The onky thing I would say is. If yoy think the 4.2 is such a pos dont keep using it as a bentch mark to say how much hetter you are going to be
calling someone out for lying or for bullshit is not trolling. Asking hard questions about products and their pushers is not trolling. It is just the norm in an open forum and freedom of speech.
Trolling is what you and your new grease slightly going boyfriend do… Calling the 4.2 slow etc. That’s prototypical trolling.
See what your dictionary says a forum is.
By the way superstar, you still haven’t shown ANY n e f times. We are waiting…