Thanks Adam for the videos ive listened to them both and the short one at standstill is the same noise I get and I think this is normal as the flywheel is a single mass flywheel. So nothing to worry about there !
The second video is again the same thing I’m getting if you put our cars together they would sound exactly the same that noise as its juddering does my head in !!
It would be interesting to see what others think now they can hear the noise ?
I was going to do a video of mine and send it to JHM if they ever get back to me !
I’m wondering if you can get a video of the engine while moving forward ? As I’m sure yours is the same as mine it really rocks / shakes the engine as this is what’s causing the noise you can hear on the video, it makes everything shake and rattle and I think it might give someone more of an idea as to what is going on.
Really glad you done these videos top man