A slight judder since fitting JHM LWFW

Thanks Adam for the videos ive listened to them both and the short one at standstill is the same noise I get and I think this is normal as the flywheel is a single mass flywheel. So nothing to worry about there !

The second video is again the same thing I’m getting if you put our cars together they would sound exactly the same that noise as its juddering does my head in !!

It would be interesting to see what others think now they can hear the noise ?
I was going to do a video of mine and send it to JHM if they ever get back to me !

I’m wondering if you can get a video of the engine while moving forward ? As I’m sure yours is the same as mine it really rocks / shakes the engine as this is what’s causing the noise you can hear on the video, it makes everything shake and rattle and I think it might give someone more of an idea as to what is going on. :crossed_fingers:

Really glad you done these videos top man :blush::+1:

Sent a request to view the video as well. Came from my Gmail/YouTube account.

It’ll be great to actually “see” what you guys are experiencing. I can forward to JHM too and see if they have any recommendations.

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Yes that would be brilliant :+1: thank you mate
I’ve still not heard from them either ??

Mine is not bad at all when the car is cold but is just like Adams once warm and worse if on full lock left or right makes the exhaust and engine shake and wobble quite a bit.

I’m rubbish with videos but was going to try and get one of mine before Adam done this one as I was thinking you need to see what it’s doing really.

Michel, I just gave you access to the videos as well. I believe that you are going to host them so that they are easier to view on this forum?

I will work on getting one of the engine today.

I heard back from the Facebook guy and he did not install the lwfw…he did state that the engine and gearbox had recently been out.

Forgot to say thanks for all of your help!

Great stuff thanks Adam. I think that might actually show what and how it’s effecting the drive of the car and give people some ideas to what’s going on !

That’s a shame about the other guy but keep in with what he finds as it might give us answers ?

Can anyone post these videos up on YouTube so we can all listen/see what’s going on? I don’t like sharing me email address with the world.

Steve, interesting comment on yours being worse on full steering lock, assuming you have electric assisted steering and not hydraulic?
Are your engine/gearbox mounts new or replaced with updated/stiffer items?

I think Michel is going to sort the video’s so there on here for all to see like me the guy who done them couldn’t get them on here ?

Yes I have a 034 uprated transmission mount but not engine mounts but Adam the guy who has the same issue has uprated engine mounts 034’s not sure about his transmission mounts, tho im sure he will chime in and say.
Im not sure if its just worse on full lock as it’s under more load as if you are on a slope it does it a lot more as well than if on the flat but once mine is warm it get’s worse even on the flat in a straight line ?
I was thinking maybe engine mounts but then Adam said he had 034’s and his still does it so I thought maybe not then ?

Note: I installed the 034 drivetrain mount insert package

But not the engine mounts

Just tried to film the engine while the car judders… I didn’t drive it today so it wasn’t warmed up and the judder wasn’t really there…just saying this to reiterate Steve’s point that it doesn’t happen when the car is cold. I will try again tomorrow after it’s warmed up.

Here’s a great video on a tear down and rebuild of the DSG box:

It might help you identify which area you think is causing the issue? I dream of having a workshop like that!!

I see it as when you replaced the dual mass with a solid block of alloy, you’ve removed the component designed to reduce/isolate any vibrations and backlash from the interface between engine and gearbox, added to that you’ve reduced the function of bushes designed to reduce vibration and noise by inserting solid metal into the area what would usually have movement. With reduced function of all these noise isolating items you’re now hearing and feeling a lot more of the mechanicals in work, noise you would usually be isolated from.
You have some good questions though:

Why would your hear it less from cold; could that be thermal expansion of the parts, as parts heat up the tolerances would become greater so any slight wear would be exaggerated and vibration/noise that would usually be absorbed by the dual mass is now transmitted through the box and mounts to your seat?

Why is it worse on full steering lock; that’s the one that puzzles me and makes me question the engine and gearbox mounts, the suspension lower arms are directly connected to the engine so on full lock there will be some load from the tyres pushing against the engine through the lower arms, is this compressing the engine mount so you are now feeling more vibration transferred to the chassis?

All food for thought.

My mistake I thought you had engine mounts and not the driveline mounts :man_facepalming:
My drive line mounts are a mix of 034 and Powerflex 034 trans mount, Powerflex rear diff inserts and 034 subframe mounts !

Thanks for the video and your thoughts on why the judder could be there and yes I agree that these are very possible reasons it’s just the judder is that much even in a straight line once warm it shakes the exhaust.
Also others have no judder with the same inserts in place and 034 engine mounts this would only make the car judder worse by having the engine mounts as well ? But that’s not to say it might be this on our cars only ?
It defo get worse with the hotter it gets ?
It’s as the clutch engages you feel the judder with no throttle once it’s moving it goes and creeps with no judder I also feel it if I’m very light on the brake pedal coming to a stop but only very very slightly ?

Can someone share the link to both the videos? I might have experienced something like this before.

That’s handy if you have just tap on the links and send a request Adam will send it as that’s the only way atm.

Ok after checking out both videos, I’m not sure if it’s the same issue as mine, the judder is slightly different from mine. Mine had more of a metal clinking noise, and it turned out the cardan shaft needed replacing due to broken bearings/CV Quattro joints. Not sure if yours is the same type of issue…

Thanks everyone for your efforts!

I will have my mechanic check out bearings/cv Quattro joint, just in case, tomorrow when they are changing trans fluids

Volvofan asked if transmission adaptations were performed after the install…I am not sure, but I attempt to set them up via VCDS this weekend. @Steve, I assume that you executed the adaptations?

@steve and James-During the wide shot video below, I locked the wheels left and right and today at least, I am not sure that either position was dramatically worse than the wheels being pointed straight. Hindsight I could have filmed those changes positions from further away …still not sure why only our two cars are experiencing this.

Hopefully we have enough video footage to get JHM’s attention now. I will be sending them to Jake and I believe Michel will be following up as well, thanks Michel for going above and beyond!

Thx again!

See links below to videos of
Engine wide shot
Engine tight shot

Engine tight shot you can really see the shaking/rattling

Sorry, still a Google drive thing for now



Engine Wide Shot


Engine Tight Shot


Yes @adaydreams I’ve done the adaptation twice now, once when new clutches etc were fitted and once after about 200 miles driven in the car. I am going to do it again at about 500 miles as they say to do this if you have fitted new clutches.

As far as I know my drive shafts and c.v joints are ok but I will check them as well. Adam if you can let me know if yours are ok or not once you’ve had them checked.

Thanks everyone for your input’s on are problem it very kind of you all :blush:
I know its a difficult problem to solve as it could be so many things and it just might be our cars have a bit more wear in the transmission than others but if it can be solved then Adam and i would be over the moon !!
Even if JHM have to slightly change the tune on either the ECU/ TCU on are cars just to better the driving experience we are getting now.

I know @Ape_Factory has been so helpful and is trying to get JHM to communicate with us something I’ve been unable to do so thank you buddy :+1:

I have personally sent 4/5 emails to JHM now and yet no reply, Michel spoke to them and was told they would contact me that was a week ago and even after a further 2 emails they have not done so which to be honest is not very good customer service at all !! I’m pretty piss#d to be honest as there is no excuse, expecially when they told Michel how very sorry they are that they had not been in contact with me !!! :angry:

I’ve not seen the videos yet but I know exactly what’s on them.
Thank you Adam for the videos and sending an email to JHM with these and including me in the email :+1: Lets hope we can get this issue sorted for both our sakes :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Curious to see the YouTube videos as well.

Haven’t experienced this yet, but definitely hear the chatter in PARK on idle. Not terrible, but noticeable.