After 12 years here's where the B5 S4 sits

A lot of similiar info in there, the GT2560 however in a proper turbo kit out performs & ramps up faster than the 605 & the rs6 turbos spool far sooner with much better tq throughout over 605 turbos. My friend had the GT2560 setup from AG & was amazing. Been in some 605 cars & really not happy at all. The single turbo is more like mid 4000 rpm not below this.

I would like to check out one of these ag kits as I haven’t been in a car with one yet.
I don’t agree with you on the 605’s. They perform very well, and tq hits very hard and plenty early… I’m not going off a dyno result or anything but actually driving them.
Perhaps the 605’s you were unimpressed with were on an unhealthy car or something, because your impression of them is very far off from mine.

why does it say ‘timing is everything’ below your avatar. Did you put that there? I didn’t know we could have catch phrases. The one by my name just appeared there one day.

fixed :smiley:

I can’t remember how I did it but It was before site admin changed the my profile setup.

Not going to use this thread to compare 605 but the car was built very healthy, is lazy even on 3ltr & they do fall off in between shifts in every gear. It’s all relative to some that don’t know any better or has limited experience with other setups (than they might get the impression some of those turbos are awesome) but like I stated it’s all relative to ones experiences.

Not going to use this thread to compare 605 but the car was built very healthy, is lazy even on 3ltr & they do fall off in between shifts in every gear. It’s all relative to some that don’t know any better or has limited experience with other setups (than they might get the impression some of those turbos are awesome) but like I stated it’s all relative to ones experiences.
You make a good point there. I’m certainly not the end all be all to knowledge of b5 s4 setups.

Let me start with this. I have had these turbos on my car for around two years. I was one of several people that two years ago got a set of the JHMwhatever you want to call them. One of my friends also had a set and when it came time this year to do a build on his motor. We tore his turbos apart (and mine since then, floated a valve) Below is a quote from me from august

Now for the rest.

Updating my thread from 1 year ago.

As many know I’ve made some posts about running 1 set of turbos now for over 1 year, throughout the year I mentioned I have torn them down and would share. Sorry I haven’t shared much as I’m not on the boards much.
I’m not here to support JHM or any other shop, what I am doing is purely exposing the peddlers. Jhm has been rumoring these turbos for 18+ months and I have 1 of the very first beta sets from near 2 years ago (Sorry Jhm). READ THAT PART. When DXC was talking about sending a RS6 turbo to china I ALREADY had a set so did several other guys Ill see if I can contact to post here about it.

How I obtained the turbos really didn’t please Jhm from what I’m told nor does it matter. The turbos were supposed to be installed on a shop car. Didn’t really work out that way. I was asked if I would be interested in running/testing them, if I agreed I would have to tear them down and give accurate feedback. Why my friend asked me was the fact that I’ve had many other setups in the past, I have worked on my car and others, Also I have experience with many different turbos and the working components.

The amusing part is the peddlers out there like DXC and the other 2 stooges. How DXC is desperately trying to make claims to these turbos being his invention is ridiculous. If he did invent/reinvent these turbos 2+ years ago than why start mentioning them now, why wait 2+ years, why wait till JHM has been publicly advertising/selling them all these months and running them for near 2 years? Why cause it takes time for these peddlers to actually get their hands on a set, find trading companies in China who will reinvent them or source the parts and confirm that’s why. (Common Peddlers.)

The RS4/K04 turbo have been replicated in Asia since 2004 & the RS6 turbo came in 2005 - 2006 & not by DXC. Parts are Cleary everywhere; anyone can source any part they wish & mostly all the castings come from just a few places. This info is not top secret, actually pretty common. There are many different Chinese trading companies around, websites out and finding someone to source or replicate just about anything is very easy.
History of the RS4/K04 Hybrid – 2004 Blouch Turbo, Comp Turbo & several other Turbo shops were offering RS4/K04 turbo upgrades utilizing the RS6 compressor wheel.

History of the RS6 Hybrid – 2004 - 2005 Blouch Turbo, Comp Turbo & several other Turbo shops were offering the RS6/997 turbo upgrade. (RS6 turbo upgraded with 997 compressor wheel aka the 2280 wheel)
History of the RS4/K04 - 997 Hybrid – 2005 Blouch Turbo, Comp Turbo & several other Turbo shops were offering the RS4/997 turbo upgrade for the S4.

So DXC you’re 2009-2010 claimed invention happened near 5 years before hand & has been around for over 8 years. Putting a 997 wheel in the RS4 compressor cover is 8+ years old news & upgrading the RS6 with the 997 compressor wheel is even older news. So stop whining!

Even if DXC was the inventor of something that clearly already exists for nearly 2+ years why is he so upset when he’s the one who kept it quite for 2+ years! Maybe he thought the manufacture was just going to stock pile hundreds or even thousands of parts, maybe he was holding onto these turbos/parts to hopefully wait till the S4 became vintage/classic and then sale some high dollar antique parts?

You don’t have your invention or even the copied reinvention on your car yet, so please spare us with logs or data from another setup and those horrible fake logs you posted on AZ literally makes you the most Pathetic Person I’ve ever seen on any forum.

DXC, You’re the same guy who’s been parading around for many years telling/teaching people how to steal/rob other shops tunes/files so you can copy them, sale them on EBay, Audizine and so on. This is the same group of guy’s trying to source the 034 Motorsports single turbo kit to try copying them in China as well, ok sorry 2 of the 3 of you have been. What kind of low life’s try making a living at stealing products/ideals from actual real shops to only copy them and then brag about it! These morons have told so many lies in the past few weeks that it’s near comical at this point. Not one of these clowns operates legitimate businesses as they try operating from their parent’s home.

After the peddlers are done taking your money good luck on getting support because I highly doubt they’ll be around for any length of time and I doubt their parent’s would like stranger coming over their house. I wouldn’t look for any advice from any of these guys as they clearly are clueless and would gladly pay more through any well respected shop even if the parts were apples for apples.
I would stick to shops that actually have business licenses and buildings with working phone number.

So I have a pair of the first Jhm units. I don’t know what changes they have made (if any) in the current turbos there running. These peddlers want to say they have Jhm turbos. You say you want to EXPOSE THEM, fine. I have pictures of what the turbos I have on the inside looks like. Send me pictures of what your turbos have on the inside and we can compare notes. Otherwise it’s more BS speculation from a group of people looking to knock off and ride the wave of someone else. I have no allegiance to JHM I know what I have on my car. I like the turbos and I’ve said it before.

These people say over and over “Let’s compare” ok I’m here let’s compare. So either show up and share up or shut up. Everyone is screaming transparency ok let’s have some. I’m opening up the door for that. Also if you don’t wish to share no big deal as I can get some Chinese RS6X turbos just the same as DXC. Ill say I invented them they will be RS6C for callingUout. Fuck guys don’t be stupid. There are hundreds of venders that will shop you china parts. From rods to rims. Getting parts in china isn’t new and there are THOUSANDS of parts sent there everyday.

Right now DXC you’re the most desperate joke online! I think we can all see his ability to send parts to china and to get people to lie and Peddle his parts. I think its funny how DXC hid behind projectB5 had projectB5 blatantly Lie about cars and dynos… PEOPLE WAKE UP. DXC and ProjectB5 said they had 5 cars and dyno proof BUT IT TOOK DXC Two years and Two months after people were asking for proof to get a log of his car…come on Wake up. Ill go get you a log of my single turbo GT38R turbo car… I don’t have a GT38R car but I can find some crap logs and make a list of excuses why it looks like crap. Ill then tell you its from my GT38R car.

Open and shut. The Callout is done. JHM over a year ago has PROOF of a car with these turbos. Why then was there nothing said. DXC said JHM was calling his people telling them to not sell. YOU DON’T THINK THAT IF ANY OF WHAT DXC IS SAYING IS TRUE THAT A YEAR AGO DXCs CHINA people would have said. HEY WE HAVE PEOPLE BUYING THESE TURBOs we are making for you… come on wake up

DXC and his wind blowers are just bashing and bashing. Take a step back use some fore thought and its kinda clear who is being truthful and who isn’t.

I hate the drama. For me the debate was over before it started. I think its hard to say the DXC guy did anything when someone comes that late in the game. This and many posts are just a nail in the coffin of that debate for me.

honestly at this point. Even if DXC did post pictures of a X and R turbo. All I would see is a good knock off of the JHM turbo. You just can’t argue the time line let alone all the really lame stories on the side of DXC and the other guys telling clear fraudulent stories.

I agree. There is a BIG difference between talking about making something and actually having made something. Hell I invented the black straw 5 years before it came out. The only issue is I never did anything or made one. I had the idea and someone copied it before I made one before I even attempted to make one. Its my straw. I came up with the idea and I told at least 50 people about it.

for me DxC lost all credibility when he claimed he invented the turbos, then when pressed on that, admitted he didn’t invent a thing. Rather, he bought someone’s turbo (didn’t say where) and sent them to China to be replicated.

To me that is not innovative, inventive or helpful in any way. He is catering to high school kids who can’t afford much, and will believe whatever they can in order for it to fit their budget. That’s fine, that’s just not who I would want to business with.

Speaking of business, I would love to see some photos of these guys’ businesses. Let’s see some pictures of their ‘shops’. Let’s see their phone number or address. From what I can tell they are drop shipping parts using an online e-business. They don’t have a shop or a phone number and the web page ‘contact us’ section is just an online form submission page. This is by design because they don’t have a business license (making them illegally operating entities in most states) and don’t want it known where they are operating illegally.

All around, beyond the turbo drama, which I frankly don’t care about, the truth about the shops (naudlee, rabbit and dxc) is what people ought to focus on. The facts there make dealing with them a complete non-starter.