APR DSG tune....

Hopefully this guy’s ECU rescues him. Meh. At least if he blows we’ll get an idea about a limit somewhere.

There’s so many good stories of engine failures…this is a good one for bathroom reading: http://www.bimmerboost.com/showthread.php?49430-Article-Anyone-and-everyone-can-lose-a-motor-Blown-ESS-Tuning-VT3-supercharged-M3-S65-V8-engine

I can’t even hint here, but it’s worth a look. Some people should just change to a faster OEM car instead of modding their current car.

Just saw this… Not sure what Saki has been saying lol. Whatev :slight_smile:

Ugh. Yes, at some point you should just buck up and get a better car

I haven’t been saying anything. Primetime may want to clarify.

It would be great though. One less stock b8 s4 on the forums. Maybe it will end up in the hands of someone who will do something with it.

Guys, I made an assumption based on the war room post about the dickbeater dude where you guys were discussing racing… My bad not trying to start trouble… My apologies… Glad j still has the car…

Haha, “dickbeater dude”

Lol have a chill. You sound like someone who needs a beej pretty badly.

APR won’t even support meth, I can’t see them doing anything with E85 without the motor being specifically designed to use it.

The whole notion of running a “mix” of e85 and 93/4 to me seems like there are too many variables at play. It will never be 100% accurate and even a small chance something could go very wrong is not worth the risk. Most of the flex fuel motors that are DI have a second set of injectors to make up for the lack of energy in ethanol. Ford I think is doing this with their flex fuel DI motors.

^^^it’s very strange

Does anyone remember the E85 quote from GIAC? I think it was Austin. I thought he had said they were experimenting with running E85+pump on the 100 file…or something like that. A few months ago.

Of course it wasn’t a constantly updated blog experiment…it’s something they tried. Further, it’s not like he endorsed this. I guess this is why they shouldn’t talk about development…people start copying their experiments lol.

JHM is running about 600-650 whp on the stock RS4 motor right now for some testing.They’re trying to see what will fail, and using a high mileage motor to boot. Doesn’t mean anyone else should…or that it’s safe.

APR posted a video of their DSG tune development on FB



I also found this a few weeks back on Instagram.



Yeah that’s the dude from AZ who was the first to run giac software, giac pulley, giac shirt, etc. Shit he’s probably the first in AZ to run E85… #@ I run mid 12’s with 500HP#…

I added 3.78L of methanol to 15L of 91 pump to use my GIAC race file, works out to be close to what Austin runs as his E40 mix. I would bet he isn’t on straight E85


He is on 50/50 mix of e85 and says there is more than enough fueling to run 100% e85 but said that at 50/50 he maxed out the stock blower so no sense in running 100%

Lol 3.785L you mean

I didn’t calculate but that sounds more like 95-96 R+M…and a bit less heat value. No timing pull ?

how does that work? 10% ethanol=1.5L + 3.78L methanol = ???

it’s around 28% of the volume.

Correct, stoich for methanol is 6.5:1 , ethanol is 9:1.

As per Austin, he runs 50:50 mix of E85 and pump, which should make for approximately E40, right on the cusp of throwing a maximum lean adaptation code, my M28 mixture gives a similar octane number with slightly less lean adaptation, add to that my colder environment and increased altitude. Makes for cheap race gas

Spazz, no timing pull, no hard runs though, just getting my feet wet with this mix. I have used methanol as a primary fuel in the past, it is extremely effective at mitigating ping, even under extreme temperatures. I plan to adjust my mix based on adaptation until I am seeing about 20% fuel added, this should leave me safely at my max mix.

I won’t muddy the APR thread anymore, I will post my info in my New to me B8 thread as I get it