B8 Day @ Atco

i’d rather not… there’s others on here that can chime in :wink:

when we having brewskis!?

if you guys want you can send me a pm but i don’t want this information up on public forums

that makes no sense. You can’t make an implication about a company, then hide from it tsivas. Especially on audirevolution.

You have a choice. You can talk about it…or you can not talk about it. But you don’t lay a big egg and then pretend you didn’t.

Hmm…the plot thickens.

saki you actually already know, I’ve pm’ed you with this information that tsivas is referring to

There should be a mass PM option so you can tell us all at once, privately. So PM me, lol. Or Tsivas - either one.

tsivas27, I am in the office and don’t have all the logs but I thought they were fairly close… Remember I am on the slow v1.5 APR tune ;D

Now what is all this secret stuff??? I think I am out of the loop >:(

Saki- sorry man. my bad.

My intent was not to imply any company though. just stated that there was more to timing thing. could involve all three companies for all we know. crappy delivery on my part i guess without mentioning anything.

there is limited info out there, and I think it’s best to keep this one on PM after thinking about it.

My apologies again… just was tired of all the APR crapping on I have been reading over on AZ from some over there. guess was just venting a little… crappy morning with screaming kids and no coffee did it…

Yes we’ve PMd before back when bear and Kavan went to TMP last nov. I was away though, couldn’t make it. It’s Jason.

I would assume the implication,which has been discussed before, is knock reprogramming. Many ways to skin the cat this way within the ECU, and we’ve touched on this on AZ, I’ll look for the thread.

It was weird looking at those logs how the one car doesn’t knock at 23 degrees of timing advance on 93, while the other does at 19 degrees. Anyhow I’m not sure if anyone knows any more for certain at this point.

If you have something you don’t want to share on the forum, don’t post about it in the first place, just PM the intended recipients. The whole point of AR is freely sharing information that wouldn’t necessarily be discussed on other biased forums. Saying you know something interesting but you don’t want to / can’t say is a bit childish…
In this particular instance I personally don’t care (although B8S4 drama is entertaining), but if someone came on the 3.0 section spouting off about some new product advancement that they had been discussing with JHM but then went on to say they wouldn’t say anything about it I would probably be a bit put off.

Understood- my apologies.

yeah jspazz/ilspazzaneve, I just don’t remember you living so close. Thought you were in Toronto or something. Can I just call you Mr. Plow?

tsivas I wasn’t getting on you…was just trying to beat the info out of you :smiley:

but seriously you guys ought to know 2 things (if you don’t already)

  1. this site plays no favourites…all information is free to be shared here and there are no advertisers, thus the info will not be censored. The members are the censors. If something is offside or flat wrong, the members will let you know…but the site owner is not beholden to any advertiser dollars. He has fuck you money and runs the site exactly as you would imagine someone with fuck you money would run it. His way.

  2. if there’s a problem with a product, it always behooves a member to get it out in the open so that the other folks know about it. This kind of open discussion helped me avoid making a huge mistake buying a VF Engineering kit for my B7 S4. People spoke out about the kit even though it hurt some feelings and even though moderators did their best to stop them. Well that is far easier to do here…so feel free.

If you guys are just not in it for the drama or to end up on the firing line of the other team’s fanboys, that’s understandable. Well it isn’t really…I say who gives a fuck, and let’s get the truth out there to protect the integrity of information on the forums. Maybe that’s just me…and maybe that’s why my career as a diplomat would last about 3 minutes lol.

^^^Now he really wants a brew ;D

really good fuel vs. really shit fuel?
meth vs. no meth?

It does seem weird.

all good man… i know you weren’t.

I just felt like I cut my finger over a great white shark tank for a second lol. phew.

Maybe it’s knocking but timing isn’t being pulled… if a tuner decided to remove some of the safeguards you couldn’t tell via logging and I bet 99% of people wouldn’t be able to hear/feel slight detonation… just speculating based on what one of the tuners supposedly did to get around the bypass… Of course your points on fuel and meth could be just as valid as well… I haven’t seen a proper delivery mechanism for meth on the B8 S4’s yet… Just my .02 and I appear to be in the dark on more and more things…

It’s all good man… Lol I’m just waiting for the tuning war to die down and I’ll probably start seriously considering picking a b8s4 up myself

yeah i have no idea about b8 methheads. I just know that lots of guys like to say ‘just running pump gas here’…but then you find out they’re on a 50/50 meth tune throwing boatloads of timing at the car.

I’m not sure if anyone uses meth on a B8 yet, except one person (which others here who have met him would have to attest to if they’ve actually seen it run :wink: ).

Should I be the first…? As you can tell, I don’t mind doing something different. Hmmm, gotta do some research. This might make it possible to run a higher octane tune than the gas in the tank…

Boost activated seems doable, but boost is not really linear with airflow. Maybe something like the MTM piggyback would be more useful for a meth kit so it can pull the airflow reading from the ECU for a proportional meth flow. Also possibly have it cut a sensor for faults in the system, i.e. if the meth bottle is empty, it will cut an important sensor to throw it into limp mode (obviously would need an override for this too, for when you aren’t using it you aren’t stuck in limp mode).



Lol snow offers nitrometh injection too as a power adder to the kit. Ok that’s a little over the top.