Compugeek's build/resurrection

Glad to hear everyone is okay…good luck on the build

WOW so sorry to hear this. As a member of what I would call our car community if there is anything I or we can do let us know. This really sucks . Thanks for shareing this with us.

WTF have these people never heard of a HVAC unit and the fact that there are programable thermostats now. WTF a space heater. Sorry for the quick rant… some people… WOW…

Excited to hear about the new house and new advancement of the car.

lower Actuator arrived, grill arrived, some more random LED’s arrived, front suspension, Clear headlight lenses, 5500k HID bulbs, Audi wheel centers and tune still to install on the car…

Still also need to flush the radiator; the coolant is green, and definitely not G12…soooo that’s gotta go.

Still need to replace the wrecked brake rotors, but the car behaves fine as it sits, so I’m going to defer that till I get the LW rotors on there in the spring. :smiley:

House is moved; there’s piles of boxes everywhere; man you don’t know how much crap you have until you move!

Glad to hear life is moving forward for you and that things are coming together with your S6. Godspeed.

Yes X2

Thanks guys! With an actual day of nothing planned or schedule for tomorrow, I might try loading the tune on and/or finish the interior LED swap. DEAutokey Had a good set that are really well engineered and makes a HUGE difference in light output. It’s also white instead of that old school filament yellow. Will post pics of the LED units for comparison.

Intake actuator replaced and the car is running better than it has since taking possession! Noticing a couple rough shifts so putting trans service on the list for summer - probably do it same day as carbon clean.

Noticed a new “rattle” in the top end of the engine while blipping the throttle to check actuators; I really hope I don’t have any broken flaps now. : / Supposedly the PO had the intake already replaced, but I have my doubts. Not really enthused about peeling off $2g’s for another intake, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Getting anxious for my pipes & tune!

Doesn’t really matter if they had it replaced if they didn’t get the redesigned part (unfortunately)…

catback shipped! awww yes!

…you will not be disappointed lol

Good point. It seems the first revision in take they came out with to stop the issue of the breaking arms still breaks. I would like to hear more about the new intake design that audi just came out with but I dont see audi spending too much money and time in the intake as the cars are all now going to be out of warranty.

As for the rattle. I wouldnt be too too worried. Usually when the flaps are broken you tend to hear them more at low speeds and high loads as the vacuum isnt enough to pin the flaps in one position. At higher loads and RPM there is a large amount of vaccum and that usually just pulls the flaps that are broken to a specific spot. This is usually the rule of thumb. Still dosent mean its not broken but its something to think about.

NICE… super excited for you. These cars love a real exhaust…


exhaust is on! All I can say atm is…fuck me. Awesome.

Tune tomorrow. Coolant tank cracked - NFI how, gotta order a new one. RHD purge valve on the HPFP seems to be constantly purging, hopefully a fuel line fitting didn’t crack/come loose in the last round of freezing weather.

Congrats. Sport mode, full throttle pulls on the highway or on the ramp… amazing…

The right exhaust can change the entire cars experience. Glad you went with the JHM route. From hearing all the exhaust options over the years for the 4.2 and many for the 5.2 I feel with the deepest confidence that the JHM unit has by far an outstanding option both sound wise and performance wise.

When you say purge line can you show us what you mean. The Check valves are under the intake and they bleed off if too much fuel pressure is introduced. but any checked fuel just goes back into the system.

Holding off on the tune only so I can have a good feel for before/after… But the only downside to the pipes is the loss in MPG from either manually shifting it and/or just revving it to 5k instead of 2k - lol.

fit&finish on the kit was spot on; zero adjustment required. Tips just tucked up where they’re supposed to first time. Nice. Wasn’t prepared for the crossbar to not go back, but it’s pretty lightweight alu so I doubt it was a structure member Strangely the crossbar was just about the only spot on the whole undercarriage that’d collected any sort of gunk, even after driving a week in the snow and slush - the bottom of the car is eerily clean…

Yeah I have the same problem. Sport mode is used about 75% of the time I drive. I also had the same crossbar problem you mentioned, but having a new bracket made ended up being not worth the trouble I guess.

I was thinking about machining up a couple of billet blocks to push the mount point down, but then looked at it and figured it wasn’t really necessary…

Whelp, tune loaded finally Saturday; what a funky process, but glad it was self service. Was a relatively painless and straightforward process.

First impressions; the TCU change alone almost makes this worth the price of admission. 1-2-3 is no longer as sloppy/lazy as it was before. Not quite “S” mode, but definitely holds the revs a touch longer and seems a little more decisive in it’s shifts. I didn’t notice a massive change in exhaust note other than it seems to be a lot less rich in the fueling below 2500rpm. Throttle blips produce a slightly less impressive “whoop” in park - different AFR’s I suspect. I probably should’ve datalogged the AR’s before and after, but really the results would just be trivia. There’s a marked and definite change in behavior at all RPM’s, but it probably won’t feel like the profound change that it is unless I go back to total stock. Will report change in MPG’s if any at the end of the commuting week. Last 3week average was 17.4mpg, 23mi round trip on surface streets.

Downside; the car was clod blooded before, now it’s downright reluctant. My normal morning startup is ignition on, wait for the LPFP to finish priming and then start the car. Let it sit and idle until the SAI turns of and then drive off. Before there was a bit of hesitation and stumble getting going that pretty much vanished when the car shifted into 2nd for the first time. Now, this hesitation and stumble (feels like it’s on the verge of backfiring and misfiring) last about a mile. Also get a little bit of transmission lurch in the mix navigating out of the neighborhood. After that it’s pretty solid and even. Seems like the magic number to clear this condition before was about 15mph, now it seems like 35-40mph. Not sure how else to describe it. Cold natured beast. :slight_smile:

My biggest fear was that off-idle throttle response would suck. While shopping I drove a car with what I think is an APR tune and Milltek combo. It was impossible to leave from a dead stop with anything less than a neck snapping lurch. I definitely could not live with a tune like that. the JHM tune is definitely not like that; off idle manners are exactly the same as stock, if not even easier to finesse at low speeds in traffic.

All codes were cleared when I flashed the ECU, I’m sure it’s still adapting. No hard faults, no new soft faults (I’ve a running list of 18 soft faults with stuff like airbag sensors, uncoded battery, CD changer not found etc). I take this as a good sign.

Bad sign; Either I’m noticing it more or it’s getting louder, but the rattle in the top end sounds nasty. moderate engine load makes a rattle that sounds like either a hard knock or a broken lifter - I’m guessing either of those things would throw some codes?? Not sure what to make of it to be honest.