epl b8s4 tune

yup - that’s exactly right, Sak. I also am able to sticky threads. And while I rarely find it necessary to edit a post, it was helpful when itguy posted porn a while ago.

To be clear, though, God has my full support in doling out the few bans. AR is better off without those trolls.



I wonder how well the flasher works for going back to stock, wonder if its a file linked to the car, or if its possible with the cable and code he has to be able to flash any car back to stock.

While it was stated that it flashes back to stock, is there any possibility that it’s only flashing back to a “stock-like” map? When APR and REVO first came out with their stage I tunes, there was a lot of confusion as to the difference between the two.


When the membership votes, we have an obligation to listen. The better part of 1000 members all have the ability to get along. Those that can’t or don’t will be subject to the membership voting them off.

The rules are clearly posted.

And still no details, dynos, strip times from the meth tune… Lol. Tony is still working on how to email pdf’s, but rest assured he’s a great tuner…


I wouldn’t hold my breath on results either. At appeared asking for proof was an insult.

Would you mind elaborating on why the DSG tune for the B8 doesn’t do anything? I’ve been trying to absorb as much as possible here and on AZ/AW/QW, but must’ve missed this… I’m trying to decide between a '12 and '13.

B8’s already have a 7000 rpm redline on DSGs and 7200 on manuals.

So the DSG tune only adds 200 extra RPMs to the DSG. Not much benefit.

The B8.5’s are hampered by a <6200 rpm redline so adding 800 RPMs moves the shifts and hearing higher in the power band, and each subsequent shift higher as well.

The thinking is that DSG tunes do a few things…

1 raise red line - not really necessary on a 09-12 s4 DSG as it reclines at 7000 (vs tcu 7200) but 200 rpm on an engine that can handle it with a blower that can handle it will help (not sure if this applies to the B8, just generally speaking). The13+ cars with DSG have a 6200 rpm red line so the pickup is actually substantial going to 7k+, and is worthwhile.

2 increase shift speed - we know that’s not going to do much vs stock DSG which is insanely fast

3 add lunch control where it doesn’t exist or adjust existing launch control - here again we have seen that this doesn’t really help much. The fastest guys don’t use launch control I don’t think… And even then they’re (fastest with/without) pretty much equal. Launch control on a DSG car works reasonably well already and launching without it is pretty straight forward so this isn’t a huge beit. 2010 cars don’t have launch control so it’s a nice party trick for them, but as mentioned, the fastest launch times have been done equally by LC and non LC cars

4 change patterns and characteristics of the transmission’s 3 modes (D, S, Manual) - not sure if the existing tcu tunes do this or not

All in all it sounds like the 09-12 DSG guys don’t need a transmission tune…but the 13+ guys do.

If buying a 13+ DSG that means today GIAC is the only game. Tomorrow could be GIAC, APR or revo as the others are working on one. Primetime may already have the APR tcu beta on his car so sounds like they’re close. His poker face is terrible. :slight_smile:

OK, good points guys, that’s very helpful.
Hadn’t considered that the redline on the B8 vs TCU tune would be essentially moot.
One of the things I was speculating the TCU tune might do for the B8s - would be to make things easier on the mechatronics and stave off some of the failures, but that’s just conjecture.

im curious if AMS is using the PWM signal off the stock pump of if they are just using the main trigger. The pump they are using is a PWM pump.

^^delete this, not sure how i posted in the wrong thread.

The tunes for the tcu are looking to get more performance out of the DSG by allowing it to shift faster and at a higher RPM. This might be helpful stillif the part throttle shiffting is quicker as that will reduce heat and help the transmission last longer .

It’s speculation either way, but most of what I’ve read says the heat problem occurs during low speed creep, usually in situations with little to no airflow over the heat exchanger (such as traffic). I don’t think there’s anything to corroborate that the DCT has issues when it gets hammered on the track…maybe the automatics and torque convertors from the B67’s.

I don’t think I’ve read of one person who had the “transmission limp mode” error pop up during hard driving…always from sitting in traffic.

Thought this was one of Brian’s better points ::slight_smile: lol…

I just looked I sent him emails on how to log in March of this year… So he’s been doing it for 4-5 months now and he is an expert and just can’t believe all of us idiots just trust the tuners and don’t log… sigh… Still waiting on those EPL logs, dyno sheets, meth dyno sheets, updated strip times, etc Brian… Nah we should all just trust EPL…


It’s amazing how uneducated people are. The guy that started the post thinks your car will blow up with 14.7 at WOT. ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: good thing he is starting a thread talking about logs and safety. Might want to take a class in understanding fuel ratio. I feel sorry for EPL how do they find people that uneducated. It makes them look bad.

I think it’s strange how he stopped the rah rah flash from home stuff. No one else seems to have followed him down the EPL path. Wasn’t EPL supposed to do some kind of new product launch?

AMD is really trying hard to protect EPL’s tuner rep in the S6 forum.
