European part Group-buy feeler.

I could assist with inbound receiving of shipment as I have connections with several import/export shipping companies on the east coast. Let me know, I don’t mind helping and hopefully making things a bit cheaper.

This is amazing! I will get in contact with you shortly!

Do you think mine could be held for shipping until June? I would still be in just would want to receive later as I don’t get back until summer.

Marcus I think the whole point is to have everything shipped together as in savings on shipping charges.

I’d be happy to help you with this if you’d like Marcus. I could accept them for you and hold onto them until you get back. I have a big storage closet that’s pretty much empty in my garage.

That would be super awesome. Thanks!

Can the buttons on the steering wheel be programed with VAGCOM? Mostly the “S” since its irrelevant for me.

I have room in the front section of my B7 wagon to store them for you too. It would be no problem at all :slight_smile:

No problem. Happy to help. Fingers crossed this goes through now.

Shhhhhh :wink:

Id consider it seats and wheel but it would be price dependent.

I’d put myself in the same category. Even just a ballpark price all in (in CAD).

A few questions as im not familiar with the international aspect. If the pallet is going to the US first, do US customs take their cut? Then we pay again when Canada Revenue gets their money? Also will the cost be in GBP, euros or USD

Good questions. My guess on this is it will have to get shipped into a port on the east coast and from there further broken down and shipped to the buyers in the US/Canada. Its not really an easy process when its just private parties trying to organize it. I have been considering getting into this business since its a pain in the ass to find someone reliable when it comes to importing stuff.

Doubt it . I believe it will go to one place

Right but it will still have to be shipped again for some. So some people will be paying shipping 2 times realistically (for the seats).

Maybe 2 different shipments one to Canada, one to Murica. Or does that ruin the economics more?

Or use a freight forwarding company that can keep the Canadian stuff bonded until it lands in Canada by truck or whatever.

If the group buy minimum is 5 we can probably do 2 different buys. 1 for Canada and 1 for Murica. That would probably be the most economical way.

Boys I appologize had to step up and deal with some shop steward issues at work, so my last couple days have been a gongshow. I have pricing finalized and will post everything tonight.

Looking forward to the price for the seats. You can go ahead and remove me from the steering wheel list. I’m gonna go with a different style. Thanks.

Appreciate the effort.

This is what I’ve been racking my head around for the last couple days, and what I’m thinking tonight is doing 2 shipments, one for Canadians and for the US, because like you said the Canadian group would get dinged yet again coming into Canada and our exchange rate already is a lot worse then the US. I also know that Canada Revenue can suck as I found out with my seats. Also depends how many people and where they are located as well.

As for the Cost, I was thinking about GBP, as this will make it easy for me to just transfer to Luke. It will also make it a little easier for me as keep as it’s all in currency. What are your thought’s? I was also thinking about just doing USD as I know some people, myself included, do have fund’s in USD, and then i can convert to GBP before transfer, So that could be an option as well.

This was my initial plan, having it land inside the US at a port on the east coast, we would all split the cost of the shipping on this. Then it would get tricky on having to repackage everything and then reship at owner’s expense to the final destination. Of course if I lived on the east coast I would have absolutely no problem doing this. I have inquired with Luke on just getting it shipped directly to me, and I will then break everything down and repackage and ship the seats and steering wheels out at buyer’s expense, for some people East coast works better and some people West coast will work better, to be honest I think the cheapest route will be the best, but I want to exhaust all avenues before finally deciding, I do also want to be safe with all of this.

Depends on participants and location.

A freight forwarding company would also be a very good idea, I’m sure a shipping company wouldn’t mind taking a task on like this as it profit for them to help us out. Thought’s?

See above.

Taken off the list.
