Axel I appreciate your sympathetic point of view. but. Blacks are given opportunity if not more now there are special programs and groups… But hand outs are not the solution its not working its just brining them down further. If the parents make the bad choices to live in poverty or to make bad money choices that again isnt anyone’s fault but there own. Its not the system working against anyone.
We have thousands and thousands of examples of refugees that come here with with no money no beits that live in the same poverty stricken neighborhoods with the same deficits and they dont get cought up in crime or held back by the same issues. The refugee or immigrants manage to pull themselves out. As mentioned before I believe its family values and values. Where you hear stories of blacks breaking the cycle its all the same thing. The blacks that broke the cycle do so by staying out of crime and out of criminal activities.
Also come on lets stop flat ignoring the fact that criminals here are getting shot black white Hispanic.This isnt a black thing its a criminal thing.
There isnt a if blacks commit more crime thing…they flat out represent the large percentage of crime not even a single stat anywhere reputes that. But whats happening is criminals are getting targeted no matter what color. Black people are not getting arrested or shot for not being criminals or doing criminal activitys lets get that perfictly stright. Cops are not making black people sell drugs join gangs shoot cops and break the law there the onces catching them doing that. Blacks breaking the law is making blacks criminals. The largest killer of black people in all sections is other black people.
Its not a black thing its a criminal thing.