Its official...Richi has crossed over

…and is on the official b8 douchebag list.

[QUOTE=richib86;7905440]still no for me, ive been there and done that. my rs4 was a turd, the rs5 is just a polished turd lol
Tsk tsk richi.

lol it was the best analogy i could come up with. you know i love the rs4 haha



hahaha, new sig just for you saki

You hanging out with Lou this weekend and having a 4.2 FSI hatefest? Sit around and grumble over how the 4.2 is ‘fail’? Drink some vinegar to make you extra angry and ornery, then immediately go to an RS4 meet and convince the owners their car isn’t any good because a B8 S4 with a tune can be faster?

Awesome stuff! :smiley:

the people that get angry about it crack me up like Lou for instance lol. as much as i truly loved my rs4, it was nothing but problems for me from day one

Yeah, yours was lemony fresh. But you REVO tuned it. Then you bought stock diameter exhaust. The early days of the RS4 (and the B6/7 S4) sucked. Lots of people sold great cars before their time.

The supposedly ‘awesome’ car back in your day was Krytponik’s PES supercharged/Meth/full Milltek catless which ran 12.6 @ 110, and easily beat your car with your non-difference-making mods.

Now that these cars have been around a while in the hands of capable people who are taking them to the strip, we know that 12.7-12.8 bone stock is very easily do-able, and with 3 cars at 12.2 @ 112+ with simple mods like tune and exhaust (or even not tuned in jnaut’s case) the turds are beating the supposed superstar forced induction cars.

id love to blame the issues on the revo, but i was throwing CEL’s long before any tune. id get another rs4 one day and mod the shit out of it again, but not the rs5. the rs5 doesnt look the part that the rs4 did and the dsg does absolutely nothing for me. tho the improvements to the engine are great. and as for the exhaust i didnt pay a penny for it, it was replaced in an insurance claim so i wasnt going to complain about it lol

Have you seen an RS5? They look awesome.

I am still trying to figure out if the body is different to the S5 or if it’s just the spoiler, front bumper and massive 20" wheels.

yea ive seen 2 on the road now. the front fender and rear fenders are “flared” but the fact that your asking and wondering is exactly my point. the rs4 you didnt need to question squat. had bold lines and really stood out and still does. i can spot rs4’s on the highway half a mile up from me. even the new b8 rs4, the fenders are very noticeably flared.

yeah, exactly. I still like the Rs5. I just don’t see myself driving a coupe anytime soon.

Why not?^ Aren’t you “DINK?”

I’m 6’5" more importantly. And I meet with clients. Don’t want to be in a flashy sports hot rod.

RS5 sounded incredible and drove so nice on the neutered down Audi track experience we had. Power comes strong up top (higher rpms). The DSG was awesome, the shifting felt a little more aggressive than B8 S4 for some reason. Brakes/suspension were great.

Yeah no coupes for me either. Although PR guy there hinted to the twin turbo coming along on in that car in future. Who knows. Might have been blowing smoke up our asses.

Damn you are tall son! lol

We need to all get together one of these days. maybe meet in a centralized location.

Who knows? Not him.

That engine is too big, too hot for the B8 chassis. It’s also from the upper platforms…not the lower platforms. People are silly. They have this pipe dream.

If you see turbos on a 4/5 car it’s going to be a turbo 6, not a turbo 8. Same goes for a 3 series. Same goes for a C class.

this photo set makes me want an RS5 though…thing looks incredible here

RS5 is SOO full of win!! The more I see and hear this thing, the more tempted I am take a huge financial hit and get one!

Nah… To slow…