I am not sure it’s as simple as turbo vs. NA car. Don’t forget B8 S4s don’t have an NA engine. Neither do the myriad of other car platforms who love quarter mile results as a benchmark.
Hell the B5 S4 world used to love the quartermile. Now those guys have sold their cars, new buyers have purchased them, and an influx of dyno acceptance has seen a slew of shitty options crop up. The dyno as ‘proof’ means anyone can be make cars ‘fast’ (dyno fast) because you can just make the dyno tell your prospective customers whatever you want. The community eating that up turns into people buying SHIT options for the cars from the unproven companies. You then have the companies railing against the quarter mile becuase they know their parts suck. You also have a massive group of people who have paid a boatload of money for these crap parts who rail against the dragstrip after their cars suck. The community is infected now. Many others still in the B5 world listen to the BS by these so called ‘top tuners’ and ‘veteran members’ and it becomes self perpetuating. Noobs grow up spazzing against the quarter mile.
It’s the B5 S4 that is the exception, not forced induction cars vs. NA cars.