As of yesterday, the JHM exhaust is on the car! Only took a month…
First impression when I started the car and drove it down the street: I can’t believe this is the quietest possible version of this exhaust. Why anyone would go for something louder than this is beyond me. I realize things are probably perceived slightly differently on the the American continent, for euro standards this thing is loud enough that it can be socially awkward depending on where you’re going. Good fun on Friday night, not so much something you’d pull up in front of a customer on Monday morning. But that’s just social differences and not something that is objectively quantifiable.
I also understand immediately why the guy sold it, it does drone like a mofo from 1400 to 2000-ish. And when I say drone, I think you’d struggle to make an exhaust drone any harder if you tried. It can make some of my interior trim pieces vibrate along with it. It’s very bad even at light throttle, only if you’re trying to keep a steady slow speed does the noise lessen somewhat but even the slowest of accelerations makes the whole car into a boom chamber (if there is such a thing). What’s worse, the drone is equally bad off throttle during deceleration. With generally slow city driving you find yourself in the “bad” spots quite a lot. Keeping revs out of that range isn’t that easy particularly with a very cold engine in the morning I don’t like taking it to 3500+ in first and second to keep the noise down. (the first 30 secs with the SAI running is laugh-out-loud bad but who cares it doesn’t last long)
I figure there is some luck of the draw involved with a built-to-order exhaust like this. 9 out of 10 might be all right in the drone department but very small tolerances in the production process can tip something the wrong way. I have some hope that it will get better as time passes and it gets run in more. I think I’ll manage to live with it as I’m not really using the car that much and I’m aiming to get a different daily driver soon anyway. But the thought of going back to my stock exhaust did cross my mind more than once. It’s just a huge character change from a slightly understated car to something that sounds like Lamborghini signed off on it. At full chat it does sound undeniably epic. It has a really, really nice note.
My butt dyno is useless as the whole car feels and sounds so different that it’s hard to tell whether it’s any faster or not. But that’s where empirical measurement comes in, and I did a few runs that show very clearly a substantial gain over the stock exhaust with piggies.
I remember when I had the precats removed the car did the 3-8K test somewhere between 2 and 3 tenths faster than fully stock. But that testing was on winter tires so not comparable to the current summer tires. Ever since I fitted the new summer tires I wasn’t able to replicate the really good times. I suspect a slight difference in circumference perhaps combined with higher frictional losses for the Michelin PSS. Anyway, the best run I’ve done in cool conditions on the summer tires had been about 8 seconds flat. I did get a 7.8 during a highway run (better engine bay cooling than I ever manage here) but that was a single attempt in a different location so invalid for comparison. It was a few degrees C cooler today, I assume the old setup may have done as low as 7.9 seconds.
I did 3 runs with the new exhaust and got 7.6 - 7.6 - 7.55s. So the difference is probably slightly bigger than from just removing the restrictive precats and going to piggies. This is definitely at the higher end of my expectations. It’ll be interesting to see if it gets any better when the winter tires go back on. Either way it’s pretty good considering it has probably never had a carbon clean done. Unexpectedly I am also seeing some increase in MAF flow readings compared to earlier logging. Expected flow was 157-158 g/s per bank in these conditions but I saw peaks of 164-165 g/s at 8000 RPM. Cyls 1 and 3 saw -2.3 degrees of retard which is slightly less than before I think (requested overall advance 34.8 to 36.8 degrees above 7000)
I had been thinking that if the difference was only like a tenth of a second that I might put the stock exhaust back on, but these gains are a bit too nice to get rid of.