Made some pump gas passes today at the shithole that is Dragway 42

GIAC needs to do better employee screening, that Thomas guy is coming off like an idiot. Simos 8.5, 96 octane, blah blah.

They should only give out employee forum credentials to screened employees who pass the sniff test. The fact that he is even on a forum starting a piss match shows how insignificant he is in the hierarchy of that company.

He’s not the only that other GIAC dude that’s on these forums was making up bullshit about my car then when I called him out on it he started spewing more lies, and told me not to act tough cause I weigh 140lbs wet when I weigh at least 80lbs more than that on the best of days.

They are even worse in real life when I go to shows all they do is bitch and cry.

I just lol’d

^^^that’s definitely true for squeezing every last hundredth out of the car

Let’s assume that there’s the best a car can do…and the worst a car can do (at a given weight, power level, etc.) leaves a gap or range of variance of X.

It’s my opinion and experience that launching correctly and shifting well are a HUGE part of X, and that is taken care of with DSG cars, especially those with launch control (we’ve seen some of the 2010 DSG guys fuck up the launch).

Take a car, and have everything perfectly prepared for, and a driver who is awesome. Say it runs 11.5 @ 120 MPH with a 1.70 sixty foot time. OK?

Give me a car with a driver who is awesome at setting tire pressure and driving straight, staging shallow, etc…but he can’t launch (bogs like crazy and cuts a 2.2 60’) and has two fists made of ham and takes 0.8 seconds per shift instead of 0.2 (like DSG or a fast shifter would). He’s fucked. He could easily run 12.20 @ 118.5.

Then give me a car with a driver who is shit at adjusting tire pressure (me…I never do), and deep stages (costs him a tenth or so), and weaves a little during the run (costs him some other small amount) but he can bang the fuck out of gears and launch it great, and guess what…he’s going to probably run 11.7 @ 120. The DSG gets you that perfect launch and great shifts.

That’s what I was saying above.

How much do you weight in kilograms?

he weighs about 100 KG. Maybe 105.

Right on the money that is what I weighed the last time they saw me. I have gained about 5000 grams since then.

The fact of the matter is a couple low level guys like to act tough on the forums.

They are basically the equivalent to the monster energy models.

They are there to run and get me a coke, but could be replaced tomorrow. I am sure the ownership group is a lot different than Thomas the Train and his friend Tyson Chicken.

If I let the sales staff at my local GM shop represent the product, I would have never bought a Duramax truck.

Prime you had to see this commjng…giac had to be fist pumping like mad dogs when they cought wind of pete’s time. They were half way threw making mashed potatoes for the party and you stuck your dick right in the middle. Pete runs what is still an unbelievably great run but you swoop in and blast off a crazy good pump pass. Giac has a great program and awe is really cleaning up the mess they made and I would wager Pete has just saved giac from the marketing disaster thst is tyson and they are still trying to get away from the fail boat that csme from paper accepfing there challengd only to have tyson still hideing and the others calling paper a nitrous user.

The question is ligit we all know you never run pump so valid to ask and srill valid to be skeptical untill more pump results are in the 12.3 or lower range. I dont think its tomas genuinually bel8eveing you…looks like he wants to discredit you… for him bad move as far as im concerned all Audirevolution knows your super legit and super stand up.

Good stuff, Ron! ;D

Haha, I love reading threads on AZ…

BTW, did you order a TTRS?

Thomas is really getting all bent out of shape on this:

Pretty funny actually. I love his attempted analogy of “16 gallons of 104 and 1 gallon of 93.” LOL. That doesn’t make any sense and in no way explains the mixture (if you even want to call it that) of fuel that Prime used.

I did some rough math on AZ and came up with 93.4 octane with lots of rounding errors and assumptions. Based on regulations in the states (assuming they’re followed), the actual octane rating of of the gas in the pump is .2-.3 octane higher than the number listed to make sure they don’t go below according to Tim Wusz, a product engineer with over 20 years of fuel-testing experience quoted in this article. So PT’s difference from pump gas is even less than assumed.

I hadn’t seen Saki’s response and math before I did mine.


I almost commented on that but I figured someone else would. It’s not even close. I mean, if it was that way, then by all means, yeah, I’d be right there with this guy saying it’s not accurate.

Saki, Agreed… especially on stick shift cars…

I have a feeling that the folks over at giac know they need those records. They know stage 3 is on the way, so they will never have the fastest b8 s4. A good example is a few weeks ago one of the giac peeps posted they had the fasted time with stock cats. (Which I beat 2 weeks ago). Now they want fastest b8 s4 on pump, fastest stage 2, fastest talking on a cell phone while chewing gum.
Hey Ron you better have 100% urt when you beat your time next weekend. I mean if you have some 93 with some 100 then it doesn’t count. Hahahahahahahahahahaha Thomas the train…you soooo crazy!

Chris, As always some good points… Just for reference since I guess I have to defend myself, I posted my times at 2:10ish and didn’t see any results from Pete and crew until 2:57 so I had no knowledge of how he did… As I mentioned I was bummed I didn’t get to go to Thompson and didn’t make a decision to go to Dragway 42 until the last minute so to say, so there was no preconceived planning/collusion with APR… Heck Arin didn’t even know I went until I emailed him Monday… His job is to market his products and company and I respect him and his role… Do my times help with that, sure, but it’s not like I am compensated for it, like say maybe Tyson for example… At the end of the day my job is not to market tunes or products for anyone, just post facts for others to see… I was one of the first to congratulate Pete and will do so if/when he meets my race times… I’m also the first one to call out APR when they don’t flash my ECU correctly or release a pulley tune that doesn’t work on DSG, so I like to think I am fairly objective… Personally, I have no issues with GIAC or AWE, in fact Todd and I have traded many emails and they got my stock cats when I took them off(hope he doesn’t mind me disclosing that)… If it was Austin who questioned the times I may have handled it differently… However, all of the sudden this Thomas dude chimes in like I am trying to cheat the community, and I don’t like that since I don’t think he has followed my previous progresss? Fine don’t respect the time, have Arin put an asterisk on it, whatever… So how many tanks of gas does Pete need to go through before he is no longer running race gas??? I want the best for this platform, period… I’m always willing to help others regardless of what tune or products they run…

As for the times being questionable, I don’t think that is the case… Look at what Bear ran on pump and what Pete ran… The conditions I had coupled with the mods on my car and my experience allowed me to put up a great number… If I was at a higher octane it sure doesn’t show with my timing #'s…

Also, this is not really aimed at you just more venting from me so please don’t take it the wrong way…

Thanks bud! Sure did, boat docked with it today… should have it next week I hope… Sepang, tech, and heated seats… Can’t wait!!!

Yeah, I forgot about that lie they told… Shame on them! Hypocrites… Watching Thomas right now with my son… LOL My favorite is Toby the boxcar… Sir Topemhat is the man…

This is why I love my paying customers who use love the platform. When I have a real customer, like Ron, doing all of this on his own, I can trust his feedback. To me, that’s what’s most important. The fact he’s setting records is a major bonus, and no one can deny that.