here are the exhaust rules from the B67 side lol. I wrote this like 8 years ago
[quote]bOfficial Exhaust Video Rules[/b]
I’m in the market for a full exhaust for my S4, so I’ve been youtubing the usual suspects. I need to vent my frustration. I will likely offend some, so I apologize in advance. This is entirely in jest, so don’t take it personally [>_<]. I made an exhaust video of my own, and dreaded watching it because of these 2 rules being violated so badly. It motivated me to come up with some suggestions, which I implemented the next time I tried.
Rule #1 - Drive the car
I feel uneasy when I watch exhaust videos where a guy sits in his car for 26 seconds revving the engine. The obligatory camera-on-ground while you rev the engine sheepishly in your garage/mall parking lot/side of the road, all the while hoping your neighbours/wife/strangers/passersby don’t think you’re a douchebag. Ever do that in real life? Me neither, so who cares what the car sounds like when you sit revving the engine in neutral.
If you make an exhaust vid, it must include, at the very least
a) footage driving towards the camera, accelerating under serious load (rolling up and stopping in front of the camera is, soundwise, useless unless you’re doing some serious downshifting/engine braking)
b) footage driving away from the camera, under serious load (both a and b can be accomplished with a 1st-2nd-3rd gear flyby)
c) driving with the camera recording sound inside the cabin with all windows up to give an idea of driving experience.
Anything else is optional (windows down, tunnels)
91GL’s videos from last week are good examples of meeting rule #1 beautifully
Rule #2 - Edit the video
While it’s nice of you to put the camera down, then walk around the car, open the door, start it up (bing bing bing if you don’t have a vagcom), nobody needs to see it. If you’re lucky enough to have a friend film you, prime cuttingroom floor material includes your friend saying ‘GO!’ 9 times while you strain to hear him through the thick Audi glass. I made a few passes to hear what my car sounds like so I could compare it to some of the aftermarket videos, and I was able to edit all the getting in, turning around, u-turning, waiting for the car to be in visual/audible range etc. I suck at computers so nobody is excused! (you too 91GL!)
That’s all for now. Anyone else have any good suggestions?
this Corsa vid is pretty well perfect, although a bit long (rule 3?
Good Milltek example, minus the in-car [/size]
Here’s an example of me trying to follow the rules when my Rs4 was stock…