Revo Logs...

Swank’s venom is not poisonous, lot of smoke no fire. Although obviously has pissed off some vendors in spectacular fashion. I just wonder how he has all that time to construct so many of those long winded posts.

If you want some swank comedy, go search for his user name along with “apple forums”, it’s the same type of shit but pointed at software nonsense and what is unquestionably the dumbest shit to argue on the internet: computer operating systems lol. Please don’t ask why I found this :-\

See this, first hit from using his name and apple in google:

I think we posted those a wihle back. Funny.

Go search his tennis threads lol

hahaha!!! trying to catch up on some of the threads today and just burst out laughing when i read this. too fucking funny. :smiley:

The bomb has been dropped…!?p=9669598#post9669598

Thread title made my chuckle

where are people hosting all of these logs, would love to check out what apr/giac/revo are all doing and also upload some logs ive done recently

All Ron’s idea, I can’t claim credit

Ha, I got this PM today over on vendorzine…

[quote]Chris@REVO PM’d me about I post I made in your REVO BOOM thread. I told him he should address the thread himself. He’s scared haha.
He certainly does seem quiet, doesn’t he?

One legit question out there: What was the point of failure mechanically (i.e. broken rod(s), etc)? J or Ron?

That thread reminds me of the 2.0T tech forums on vortex ;D

Just so everyone’s aware, even if an engine can take more ignition advance, there’s a point where more makes less. :slight_smile:

Exactly anything past mbt and you start losing power

saxon did tou get tuned yet? You should hit the strip while DA is reasonable here in the spring. Maybe do some pulls with some apr or giac cars.

So I called Chris@Revo out on J’s 100 logs in a thread he created.

Lets see if we get a worthwhile response. My money is on no.

What are they going to say? Sorry?

“We wrote a tune and pushed it a bit far, then corrected it”

then what?


I don’t really see what your expecting them to say or do.

At best they could admit fault and say what was done to correct it.

I think him ignoring you says enough…

Agreed. Wasn’t really expecting a response, but when you talk a big game, you better be prepared to back it up. Personally I’d just like to see a history of when they have released updates. APR has always been forthcoming about when they’ve release new versions, and I’m sure GIAC will let everyone know when v2 comes out.

Yeah, strange to take shots at APR every 5 minutes in there

“they will probably want to charge you”

“don’t be bullied into an inferior product”

Well props to Chris, he’s going to post a revision history. Unexpected, but good to see.