Shoot-the-Shit Thread

I was sure I was going to get roasted for being an atheist lol

lots of murricans here. :slight_smile:

I like to think in general as Canadians were a bit more enlightened, were more encouraged to come to our own conclusions about life rather than being force fed religion from early childhood.

my moms very religious but never pushed me to believe what she believes I was always allowed to think for myself.

This is probably one of those areas that might need to migrate over to the War Room. Enlightened doesn’t necessarily mean right and atheists (IMHO) make a bigger deal over religion than those who believe. Glad you don’t believe in God, don’t insult people who do. Not addressed to anyone in here, but I have had this conversation before with Atheists rambling on trying harder to convert than most Pastors. And that’s all I have to say about that…

I expect ppl not to preach to me and I give the same in return. im pretty neutral on what ppl want to do with their lives. whatever blows yer load type deal lol.

I like diversity, if we all did the same thing and thought the same way this would be a pretty fuckin boring place.

beemercer, not trying to offend, just “shootin the shit”


generalization is one thing…and you certainly can generalise that America is religious. Maybe you missed the fact that every time something bad happens, most of your politicians will mention that the victims are in their ‘thoughts and prayers’. To me in a country where freedom of religion is practiced, this is a bit weird for the highest ranking politicians in the land. As someone who believes religion is generally a pile of made up stories, hearing the leader of the country bark ‘thoughts and prayers’ at me is a bit awkward. It’s tantamount to him saying ‘thoughts and no prayers because there is no god and religion is made up stories’…everyone would freak out because their religious rights are being trampled by that statement. Well, ironically, so are mine when you say ‘thoughts and prayers’.

in general, America is a very religious country. One of the reasons the country was started was the people who started it left Britain for ‘religious persecution’.

Saying ‘all of the US’ is another, and nobody here said that. Saying ‘all of’ is a poor choice when constructing an argument because all the other party has to do to deconstruct your argument is give one example against it. I would not do that unless I was being facetious.


atheism isn’t my religion…this is where people get confused. I just don’t have religion in my life. It’s an absence of something, rather than being a staunch atheist who is out there trying to convince the world of my beliefs. Most atheists are like this.

Some on the other hand feel the need to protect people from what they consider ‘dangerous ignorance and stupidity’ as Christopher Hitchins once said about blind religious ‘faith’ around the belief that life is all about being ready for death, and that we’re hurtling toward some judgement day.

… but to me that seems just as weird as forcing belief in god/allah/whoever you like on an atheist.

that’s crazy talk (bold part)

how many atheists have cut people’s heads off for not being atheists in the last month? That’s all you need to know about that statement lol.

I agree that badtoyz’ comment about Canada being more enlightened is a bit inflammatory. A bit egocentric. We’re weird here…we’re mostly of British descent so we’re a bit less ‘religious’ for a start, but then we’ve got loads of other cultures here. I think we’re a bit less devout certainly, but englightened isn’t a word I’d use without being prepared for a beating lol.

Touche…It would look like the religious fanatics have a leg up this week, but I don’t mean in zealotry style stuff ( but might defer to just about every mass murderer known for further research into religious practices). I meant in the plain conversation context. Yet it’s already been pointe out that its not just restricted to one group. Everyone has their crazies. I love everyone equally :-*

I wish I was as well spoken as you sak. I couldn’t have said any of that 10 percent as well as u just did. so, ^^^^^^^ that!

I just stared at that for 45 seconds trying to figure out what the fuck was going on. Then I finally saw the driver and laughed for a good minute without being able to breathe :slight_smile:


Hahaha…That’s awesome. We have some MIT-LL scientists out here and they literally all are just like that…Fuck, it makes me want to push them into a locker!!!

lol speling


lol speling
Where is Soon???

I love a nice FUPA!!!

What’s funny?

Phuc Kieu too lol


I was fortune to have just predated a lot of this safety push, we had this in elementary school

Anyone see American Sniper? I went tonight and thought it was incredible. One of the best movies I’ve seen in the past few years. I’m not sure who Bradley Cooper is up against at the Oscars, but it shouldn’t really matter. He deserves the award for Best Actor.

Only thing I disliked was the end - but I’m sure that sentiment is unanimous.