the B6/7 guys have this, and wondering if we can get one as well…
Also we should get a 60-130 one as well because I know everyone LOVES that as well wink!
I would start one like the other ones, but the site owner is working on a 1/4 mile database for the whole site so it may be redundant. You’ll be able to sort it by car etc.
Besides what the fuck am I going to put on it? Nobody on this site has even been to the dragstrip in a B5 since Audirevolution started 6 months ago! WE’ve had about a dozen B6/7 S4/RS4 updates in that time.
If you guys go, I’ll put you on a list with every B5 time that we see roll in. I won’t likely go back and put old ones on it though…we’ll leave that for the master database.
Rules are going to be that you need to post 2 timeslips and preferably a video as well. Full timeslips…not a cropped one. As the B8 S4 guys found out that’s too easy to cheat. They had a guy post an 11.5 and ARin from APR put the guy at the top of the list and added a story about it to the APR blog/facebook/webpage. Unfortunately I busted the scammer a few hours later. It was a time run by a Mercedes about 6 years ago lol…he just cropped out the date etc. and posted it as his own time. Fail.
i am going to go to the track, i know that my brother will as well, i know of some other guys that are talking about going to the track and we are renting tracks and you are coming to them as I want to see your rs4 run too!
Im still running e85. Im about 200lbs lighter then before… more traction. 3L not 2.7L and 10psi more boost on bigger billet rs6’ss and all rs4 upper intake parts
great car man super impressive. good to see youi have one of the strong running B5s. while I love the b5 for what it is Im suer we can all agree not eveyone can build and maintain them. Seems most of the guys dont put the money in the right spots and it shows.