Trump to impose 35% tariff on German car makers......

When i said cheap, i meant the comment to Justin was cheap because you called him out (asleep) without giving the reason why you thought so. When i read it, it just seemed like a cheap bash. That is all. As i have said before, your posts are generally well in-sighted and worth reading. I have always enjoyed them. When i saw that post i was surprised, not because you and Justin (or I even) disagree on Trump but because there didn’t seem to have much substance other than he is asleep because he doesn’t share the same opinion as you. To me if anything he seems the opposite as anything he has posted has been well researched and stated. Obviously with politics there will be differences in opinions and although you have different views and beliefs, calling someone asleep to me seemed like you were calling him out for the simple fact that he didn’t share the same political view as you. Thats all.

But I was in a way. I’m not denying it. I think that the research you speak of is biased. I don’t think it’s cheap. I’m just stating my opinion. As for why I didn’t back it up with a wall of text, it’s because it would serve no purpose. I am not going to convince him. He will come to his own conclusions himself just like I will come to my own conclusions over time. As I mentioned earlier, I am extrapolating into the future based on the one year pre-election campaign and the last week’s EOs and press releases (i.e. not based on MSM but direct observation of his actions and statements). Call me a pessimist or call me paranoid or whatever. I won’t take offense and I would simply see that as someone stating their own personal opinion. Ultimately, there’s no right or wrong. Someone wanting to keep their coal job is in the right from his/her perspective as a citizen who has been working in that industry their entire life. A green person is also right that the coal is causing regional pollution. Both are right. It’s all about personal perspective.

only about 65% of the country voted, and of those, around half voted for Hilary and half voted for Trump.

not sure why you said ‘more then (maybe you meant to say than?) half the country voted, and they picked hilary. by a few million people’

no part of that is true. Not even remotely close.

And just so the Americans who are railing against the electoral college are clear, this is in your constitution, created by your founding fathers , left leaning and right leaning alike.

It’s funny that the only time people get angry about the electoral college system is when a Republican wins the election.

All of this is interesting. I see both sides here, and time will tell.

In terms of refugees, I did some fact checking and since the Refugee Act of 1980, according to CATO Institute, no person in the US accepted as a refugee has been responsible for a major terrorist attack. Before 1980, 3 refugees, all Cuban, killed 3 people in terrorist attacks. Since 2016, there was one Somalian refugee, at Ohio State, that injured 13 people, no deaths.

Meanwhile, there were 10,945 firearm homicides in 2014, 32,959 people died by unintentional falls, an 38,851 died by unintentional poisoning. My advice to you is welcome our refugees, it is the American Way, lock up your firearms and use them wisely, be careful that you don’t trip and fall, and eat organic food products.

All for “shaking and waking up the establishment”. What is telling is this guy is seemingly incapable of nuance. My way or highway, get on board or get off, blah, blah, blah. Being your own man has served him well in his personal life. Thing is, now this is not just about him. The entire world is watching and listening.

My main issue is not necessarilly his policies but the way he is going about implementing them. He is incapable of not coming off as an ass. There were ways to frame his most recent order that could have prevented such uproar. His inability and inner circle’s inability to not come off so combative will NOT serve him and ultimately the American people well.

The entire argument of how gulible or moldable people are to MSM sells our population short. Many are quite capable of forming their own opinions based on personal observation, contemplation and assessment of his actions. I guess we can start listening to the alternative truth voices found on infowars and others. Take a gander at the majority of commentors over there. Most you will notice profess to be Trump supporters. Not really the alternative truth I am seeking out.

My biggest issue so far with Trump is that even how much I may agree or am willing to give him a chance to implement his vision and see what becomes of it, he has no shot in hell in doing so based on his inabilty to govern. He seems to have no idea or willingness to operate within the confines of Washington. Until he learns and unless he learns quick, nothing good will come, and more likely, Americans and ultimately the world will be in a less secure state.

Perception is reality…

Stop fucking tweeting teenage girl style rebuttals to every criticism. Its goddamn ridiculous. Grow the hell up.

what are you talking about? 65% is more then half. the popular vote was won by Hillary by a large margin. i don’t see how “no part of that is true”
I really don’t give a shit about the electoral college and i am not complaining. He won, I never even hinted that that was in question. I was simply pointing out that this guy seems to be buying into all the “alternative facts” I am sure he will have some explanation why the crowd size looked smaller at the inauguration too. Like there was white tarps down and all the supporters happened to be wearing polar bear suit.

perhaps you worded it poorly, as your post above says ‘FYI more theni[/i] half the country voted and they picked hilary’

population is about 319 million which by your post means more than 159 million people voted. In fact only about 135 million people voted.

Your wording really implies over half the country voted for Hilary Clinton when we know that only about 1/5th of the country voted for her.

Your comment about the inauguration crowd is a weird one. Is that a measure of the quality of a President?? By how many people show up to a mid-day party on a cold day in January? Odd metric.

Maybe you forgot that Trump’s inauguration crowd was about the same as the crowd for George Bush in 2001 and 2005? And was quite a bit bigger than the crowd that greeted Bill Clinton in 1996.

Here’s a thought: Perhaps Trump voters (predominantly high income earning and gainfully employed) were busy with work and taking care of their families to go to the event :slight_smile:

^^ something that gets overlooked regarding inauguration crowd sizes: D.C. is an epicenter of liberal Democratic strongholds. It is vastly more convenient for Democrats to attend Democratic presidential inaugurations because vastly more Democrats than Republicans live in the area. Change the inaugural site to Dallas, and you’d likely see the opposite in crowd sizes.

You’re too far gone politically I think. You’re spewing rhetoric, extremes, and not checking your facts. It makes your arguments tough to take seriously.

Trump just banned refugees not immigrants.

Trump just banned refugees from the middle-east north africa (MENA) countries that have been flooding into Europe illegally under an economic migration purporting to be for political reasons. We’re talking about people with jobs, cell phones and assets who are trying to illegally shift their location to one that will provide a greater financial beit to their family, with no regard for the consequences to those living legally in that nation.

You’re saying he didn’t ban refugees from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates? That’s because there aren’t masses of immigrants from those countries flooding out of MENA into Sweden, Germany, Italy and France, looking for ‘salary’ (welfare beits).

You sound like you’re reading extreme left wing bullshit and sharing it as if it was well researched fact. You are wading into Breitbart or Alex Jones territory. Not very credible.

  1. Yes, I still stand by the fact that shareholders / board of directors etc …that are making the most $$/profit should fork up the cash if their business fails. Who is responsible for hiring the CEO and President? Who ultimately makes the decisions. If the business fails its because of their poor decisions or hires. They are responsible and need to pay.
    It’s true the creditors eat that bankruptcy, but whom do those creditors pass it on to? Indirectly in the end the people will be paying with increased fees/APR

  2. Everywhere I look i see “Immigrants” not “refugees”…so wtf? What’s true? If MSM is falsely interchanging these words than they should get shit on. Just like false advertising… sued shitless or thrown in jail. Kills me how MSM gets away with so much false reporting / “twitsting” …more fukin corruption.

Vtgt brought very good points on how many “refugee” attacks have we had? Although it appears Germany is getting attack by some of the refugees they are letting in?

On the inauguration turn out clochner is spot on as Trump only got something like 3% of the vote there with 97% voting for Hillary/ against Trump.

Cant agree with happy more on Trumps personality and character.

LOL 65% lol lol…Not sure how 48 becomes 65 unless you watch cnn. For those interested in the read break down in actual numbers AGAIN more MSM trying to spin facts to create this divide…

  1. Hillary Clinton – Democratic Party – 65,844,610 (48.05%) –
  2. Donald Trump – Republican Party – 62,979,636 (45.96%) –
  3. Gary Johnson – Libertarian Party – 4,488,912 (3.28%) –
  4. Jill Stein – Green Party – 1,457,038 (1.06%) –
  5. Evan McMullin – independent – 725,902 (0.53%) –
  6. Darrel Castle – Constitution Party – 202,979 (0.15%) –

As for the inauguration. Consider it was on a friday when most people work.

and bigserve your #2 is MSM spin. This is classic MSM spin to get what reaction they are getting. This is the same ban that obama did for 6 months. Remember the MSM up roar on that… oh dang I dont either. More attempts to use emotional BS to try and devide…

Every major airline runs 11 flights a day from LA to DC. How many flights run from Wisconsin to DC? 1 and it fits like 80 people. It’s just not possible for Trump voters to get there en masse and then pay rack rate $600 a night to stay at a Holiday Inn in Virginia. They’re too old to camp out in their trucks. They hate DC anyway, they just wanted to send in their guy to troll it and dismantle everything they’ve built to protect themselves politically.

Regarding migration, try getting a tourist visa to any one of those 7 countries as an American and let me know how that goes. We take visa waiver travel for granted. The US and the UK citizens can go to almost 115 countries on demand. The world is set up in a very cruel way for everyone else.

If you want to get mad at someone, think about why Syrian refugees can only migrate to Turkey or Kurdistan. It’s because Iran won’t grant them transit visas so they can get to India or Pakistan or anywhere east. It’s because they are the wrong type of muslim, sunni not shia. The world is fucked up.

US cluster bombs are littered all over Yemen because we sold them to the Saudis for a proxy war. It’s a very dangerous war zone with a lot of people who are angry at the US. Like Libya and Somolia this is a place with effectively no government. If you are a bond villian this is where you take up residency in real life. Set up your own security and hide. Then the great satan sends in drones to try and kill your whole crew, taking out a lot of innocents in the process. The world is ugly.

I’d love it if we could give 7 billion US passports to the world. But most American people wouldn’t like their standard of living after that. It would look something like India but maybe worse. I love india but it would horrify the north american middle class, environmentally and otherwise. Imagine a culture where it is truly legal to be poor and use ingenuity. No one mandates laws that make a car $33,000. If you can attach a chainsaw motor to a bicycle you can drive on the highway with your two children on back and no helmets. In the US I think 10 cop cars would shoot you for child abuse on the spot.

Regarding taxes Trump’s house plan is moving the standard deduction from about $10k to about $30k. The result is only 10% of filers will need to itemize. There are some corner cases where people with a $1,000,000 mortgage will effectively lose the ability to deduct that because of caps. We can probably shrink the IRS by half of its workforce if it goes through because everyone will just “pay their fair share” in a standard way.

I think it is fucked up that middle class families pay $20k a year in taxes when they could be using that money for child daycare or elder care for parents.

Corporate tax of 15% would make the US the best place to do business in the world bar none.

Lastly, no Americans rights have been or will be taken away ever. LGBT protections were extended by order. I’m not on board with this supreme court judge because of his Hobby Lobby ruling, which was the worst.

Justin I’m curious to see if your views remain the same today as there were months ago?

Fake news. Lol. All depends on where your narrative lands.

Flynn to trade testimony for immunity. I have an idea, how 'bout you just get subpoenaed and don’t get immunity. Too funny.

Nation building to begin

I did think Trump would pull out, and he might be in some areas as he stopped reporting troop numbers. I knew Hillary would have fired these cruise missiles also. The illusion of choice in a US election.

This is all very confusing. There is a #syriahoax hashtag with lots of staged deaths. Once one of those photos ends up on CNN as real news it looks bad. I thought the chemical weapons were verified removed in 2014 per the article below. But somehow the weapons are back? Who put them there? Where they there the whole time?

I think Syria has had a target on its back since at least 2005, during Bush.

Good point on the believed removal of chemical weapons…then again, not surprising some remained and/or more aquired

George Soros paid actors #syriahoax

There certainly is some merit to the notion that assad would not attempt this sort of attack at this time. However, why the hell wouldn’t he as he has on a much larger scale in the past.

Sure does shift focus off of the Russian investigation.

this is like saying ‘I thought the guy with 39 rape convictions promised not to rape anyone ever again’

Obama wanted to do pretty much the same thing in Aug 2013 but Congress had a freak out that it wasn’t legal without Congressional approval so he asked them and they said no.

Now Trump does it without Congressional approval and where’s the freak out (from either side).

Then I read that planes are taking off from the airport they targeted. Wtf? Did they hit the airport or not?

So many contradicting stories that you don’t know who to believe anymore. Which I guess is exactly what they wanted all along. Instead of suppressing free press, just make it so fucked up it’s become pretty much useless. Different approach, same results. No one believes anything anymore so they just end up believing what they want to believe to feel good so that it aligns with the biases (applicable to all sides of the political spectrum). And the MSM are equally to blame as well with their rush to be first with a story, any story, in order to make more money.

We now have so much information that it has become disinformation and people tune out or only read the stories that match or reinforce their existing views.

Pretty much sums it up imo