USA Criminal health care.

I know we have a lot of political talk. I know we have several consertive guys and liberal guys. We have battled it out on guns and a few other subjects.

Here is my beef.

The prez told us no more taxes… well that fell through… I got and so did everyone else hit with a payroll tax that many on the consertive side wanted to be blocked… but the prez didn’t do that so we pay higher taxes…so much for no more taxes…

Then the tax of the health crime… its not even health care its health crime… Im now paying more… NOT LESS more… that didn’t help me… or EVEN ONE of my friends… several of them now lost there health care or were kicked off the rolls due to this health crime act… only to now not get coverage threw work… now you have to get it on your own…you can now pay more get less…

best part is the country cant afford this but we need to go broke to pay for something that no one wants. No poll shows more then 38% aproval rating for this health care crime… Even better the people that wrote the bill decided that this halth care bill wasn’t good for them… so they are not part of it… yes thats right… we work and scrape to pay more so those that don’t want to work that already get health care can get better insurence we pay for and the government gets the best health care and isn’t subject to this or these laws…

rant over.

Chris it should be a crime. The idea of the bill looks great to some people, but in reality it screws the people who have always had and paid for their healthcare. I could rant all day, but I’ll just make my top complaints.

#1- the government official and prez who voted for and decided the stipulations of the plan should not have a choice to opt out! They may as we’ll wipe their asses with our constitution! It is against all of our rights for them to enforce or right into law guidance that they themselves are above and do not has to follow.

#2- most smaller companies are screwed if they do want to provide coverage to their employees. On the other side larger wealthier companies can choose to not provide plans and instead pay fines that are cheaper than adequate coverage and therefore easier on their profits.

Add my wife and I to friends who have been screwed. Our out of pocket max through Boeing went from $300 each ($600 total a year) to $6000 total! So now add in the extra money being sucked from our paychecks and the government has lowered our income pushing us closer to government depedance. Once they have the majority of the citizens depedant on government funding the political leaders become untouchable and can do whatever they please!

When you pay 49% come see me.

Hey I need those taxes. Thank you sir!

I see no one wants to blame the greedy companies that would rather pay fines than actually take care of their employees.

Sigh, America, fuck over the other guy any chance you get…unless there’s a hurricane…unless it’s in New Orleans.

We are our own worst enemy. What is needed is not another oversight committe or a bunch of overpaid criminals voting on bills…we need fucking common sense. The past two decades have really exploited our weaknesses, from a government decision making standpoint and a host of other areas but I’m not getting into that now. Its not only frustrating but I find it embarrassing as well.


Well said…

The implementation itself has also been illegal.

Obama cannot change the law without Congress (e.g. delaying the employer mandate till after elections).

And when people start whining about the GOP trying to shut down the government to kill Obamacare…remember that Obama tried the same nuclear option to stop the Iraq war when Bush was in the house.

We have a president who is more interested in working with Nato more than the Republican congress.

And you need government officials, both Dems and Reps to actually start working toward improving your nation rather than focusing all of their effort and energy on screwing over the other camp. I firmly believe that although your founding fathers had differing opinions (which has been clearly documented), they did put those differences aside to some degree, compromised and found a middle ground, all for the greater good of your nation. Something your current politicians just can’t seem to fathom. The current Reps have clearly stated to the media and the country that their sole goal since Obama was first elected was to get him out of office. And they seem proud to make such statements. And dumb hard core civilian republicans are so fucking brain washed that they don’t see how that’s killing their own country. They just eat it up and repeat like parrots what Fox news or people like Ted Cruz tells them (which is often complete lies). The hard core Dems aren’t much better either.

Wake the fuck up Americans. Your politicians are lying to you through their teeth, skewing every bit of information for their own personal agendas and bringing your country to the edge of economic collapse. Don’t fucking blame one individual like Obama. Your country isn’t run by a Nazi Dictator (like so many Reps would like you to believe), it’s run by a massive government that has so many moving parts that you can’t hold any single one person responsible, however you might wish that (be it Bush Jr. or Obama). And saying the country needs a smaller government might be true to some degree but keep in mind that it’s still the third most populated country on the planet and will require a large government regardless.

Corporations are running the US and politicians are reaping it all in and no one seems to care. The middle class is being wiped out of existence and again no one seems to care or notice. American people prefer watching opinion news and entertainment shows rather than facing the reality of the situation. If the American population as a whole doesn’t wake up and demand more bilateral accomplishments from their politicians, and instead keep electing assholes for congress that are extreme in their views that their opponents are enemies, the entire country is simply going to implode. Unify yourselves once more like you did when you created the country or watch the country continue to die a slow death.


Companies are not mandated to provide healthcare…and to make a law to force them into it is absurd. They can provide whatever benefits they want to give to their employees. To label those that don’t “greedy” is like saying that every parent who doesn’t provide their 16 year old kid with a car is greedy. Why people feel they are entitled to everything is beyond me…I want a free lambo, will the government mandate those to everyone too? I mean come on it’s only fair… America: the land of opportunity, not entitlements.

Comparing a teen with a car and a human being with basic health care. You wanting a lambo vs. basic health care. I see I won’t be able to have a logical discussion with you so I won’t attempt it.

As for America, land of opportunity, LMAO. Biggest lie ever. Works great though. People still believe that.

One word. Globalization. You will never again see a country be the “leader” in the world. The new world leader is money. With money comes blatant corruption.

And that’s the key. Take the UK’s NHS, once a great institution of the motherland. Various governments sold off bits of it while trying to privatise the rest. Blaming just the Conservatives would be foolish, Tony Blair’s Labour carried it all on. Now the publicly funded health system is writing cheques to private companies like Serco and Sodexo, who are in it for profit.

Now take that to all of the UK’s public services and you begin to realise the UK doesn’t own anything at all. The Chinese have a significant amount of US debt. Billions of dollars of public American funds end up in the pockets of the shareholders and investors of Halliburton, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed, the bank bailouts. The list goes on.

But this is old news. Look at the Rothschild family. Not only did they manage to fund most of the Duke of Wellington’s effort in the Napoleonic Wars but they also got news of his victory at Waterloo a day before the “official” messenger. They didn’t share the news with anyone, instead positioning themselves on govt bonds in order to make a big profit (40% as it turned out).

Private enterprise, public funds…

So thousands of American govt workers are being forced to take an unpaid holiday because a few old men in DC can’t do the job they were elected to do. I’m sure there’s an element of media hype here to fill columns.

While the popular opinion might be that the GOP is being deliberately obstructive in order to block Obamacare, maybe the Democrats should take a step back. After all, someone elected those Republicans to Congress.

After three days if there is no resolution all of congress should be disbarred. Then the senate, and house must follow. So we can start all over again peacefully like in 1776. Only reinstate the constitution because right now it is being violated left and right by these pieces of shit on capital hill

@bigserve, just to clarify, you do realize congress is in fact made up of the senate and house, right?


p.s. ‘government shutdown’ is a fear tactic the US media is using to make you Americans shit your pants. So fucking sad. It’s a nominal number of government employees doing non-essential jobs.

It’s not even a shutdown. “Non-essential” employees are taking a little break. 95%+ of all Americans won’t even notice.

That said, Republicans have the wrong strategy here. They were blamed for the shutdowns of the Clinton years and will be again if this lasts more than a few days. GOP needs to start winning elections to do something about Obamacare. I’d prefer just to watch that law collapse under its own idiocy.