8URV8, NOTORIOUS VR & Monty23... I have a $50 wager for the three of you.

ECU was locked by VAST… getting it unlocked at JHM


I bought a gtr today, ill race it against my B5 should be a fun video. Gtr won’t be standard its off for upgrades in two weeks :). Just thought I’d break this shitty thread up a bit

Whoa - that’s awesome!! Congrats! This thread needed a post like that.

That looks pretty awesome in silver. I always see grey and black ones.

Hey D are you surprised at how big it is?

It’s a my10 version saki was a no brainer tbh. Performance is staggering in stock form, easy matches the b7. Ride is harsh but I expected that, size wise yeh it’s bloody huge the front end seems never ending. It’s going to a company over here called Severn valley Motorsport for their 650r package, new brakes (stock are shit) and new suspension.

The new avant I have no plans for other than fixing it.

The imola avant I’m really not saying anything about. Not sure yet really.

Not looking to set any records with either.

Thank god some one around here with a real car!

Bwahahaha :smiley:

Going to ATCO this Friday. Anyone want to join?

bring jibberjive

My non running b5 avant just ran a 12.56 at Milan

Cool, what are the mods again?

Your like 3 weeks past FAWs due date though…

congrats. You are (almost) two tenths faster than my slow as shit bone stock rs4

What did you trap? And do you have a gun with you?

He doesn’t want an RS4, if he did he could have bought one.

Yes my 13 year old $8,000 station wagon is faster than your 6 year old $40,000 sedan. Wasn’t gunna point it out but since you did…

Is that so hard for you to believe? I’d much rather have an rs6.

Don’t get mad man, I was just messing with you. RS6s are cool, but why? The auto tranny sucks and a manual swap is expensive. Is there even a performance market for an RS6? I do like the way they look.

I’d much rather have an rs6 than a b5. Why don’t you buy one? They’re like $18-25,000.

I have my eye out for one with a bad tranny. Put 770s on it and a built 01e and ill be happy

Will post that later with timeslip