AMD S/C... should I?

I think people forget that the same JHM SC’d B7 RS4 from the JHM BBQ is the same running driving SC’d RS4 in the AZ Tuner Spotlight video on JHM from some months ago.

That means even Anthony@AZ can attest to a great running and driving JHM SC’d RS4 for all those AZ non believers LOL.

So if Aviva supplied and designed the kit, UM tuned it, what’s AMD’s role, other than driving at the strip? Just curious.

Nevermind…I have messages from Dan talking about how he was cruising the local forums just looking for someone to race when he had the supercharger on his blue car. That was when I had a blackberry…and I haven’t had a blackberry since late 2011-early 2012.

But yeah, maybe they’ve just had trouble tuning it lol. Nevermind the fact that right before they started working on the JHM supercharger, the largest Audi tuner in the world was contacting Count Vohn for help on their RS4/S5 kit lol.I guess Count Vohn just forgot how to tune in the past 12 months.

maybe AMD is just project managing the building of the kit…

but it is clearn Aviva and now UM have most into this…which probably is a good thing.

tea boy and sweeping up? lol…

seriously though what do you all think of the hardware side off the kit?.

hardware side looks amazing and very well thought out IMHO. Even looks good to the eyes.

Nothing like b5 guys making posts… if people are that un informed how can they even post…

I would like to see the intercooling. Looks really tiny in the pictures. From what I’ve seen, the AMD intercooler is about the size of the dump JHM’s intercooler takes after breakfast.

The vortech cliller cooler… if that is what there using every one is batt8ng a far far sec8nd… you might be able to compine the cooling of two kits and still c9me up sort of the chiller cooler

Chris, you gotta stop posting from your phone man :slight_smile: Sometimes I just want to skip your posts so I don’t have to translate your typos into english.

I’m pretty sure I’ll be going with JHM’s SC, but it’s nice that we have several really good options already available or on the horizon. I’m taking a trip to climb Mt. Whitney in early July so I’m trying to work it so I can stop by JHM and check out the SC’d RS4.

Yeah I agree… Nice to have options. Everyone thinks people on this site will be mad that aviva did well but it’s so far from the truth. They said the same thing about tts. And Apr.

If you ask Apr and tts I am sure they will say they understand our scrutiny, and appreciate our support.

Only difference is Jason is a douchebags asshole as a person and a businessman, so he won’t get as much support, but the aviva kit will (and did) certainly get respect for the result.

I’m still surprised nobody us talking about the James Bond smokescreen it put up…

I’m just trying to grasp something here guys, the amd kit uses a bigger blower than apr and more boost than apr BUT its being classed as a success running a near identical time? Surely that can’t be correct? With more boost it should be trouncing the apr time. I’m talking about their 11.8 on the low boost kit here btw, 9.5psi on the 1900 yet runs the same time as 6psi on the 1320? Failure if that’s the case

very astute however their claim is that the 1900 is quite limited in that kit.

Further, boost numbers can pertain to a less or more restrictive system, and do not necessarily indicate a volume of air forced into the system. So not exactly an indication of much. The b5 world loves to compare boost as if it is a substitute for cfm but it is absolutely not.

I agree that if I had a large supercharger pushing the stock fuelling to its limit it would expect maybe a bit more than the exact same time Apr ran with a blower far smaller, 3 years ago.

I’ll be completely honest, that time on that blower is far from impressive. How can people claim that its good?

I see your point. I would surmise tree that the praise is coming from a performance per dollar point of view. $11k for the 0.9 kit to get into the 11’s is pretty reasonable. However, how much is the dp/exhaust they used?

There high psi kit won’t hold the record for long, I have a feeling :wink:

Saki – agree with you 100%


What was the DA? Bama’s not too cold and dry. :frowning:


At 9 pm density altitude was - 853 feet at Pacific raceway last Wednesday.