APR has been sold to Mangrove Equity

not in the RS4 section

Speaking of RS4s . . . APR had no shame in putting this car out for display.


See if you can point out all the things “wrong” with this car… :wink:


GRD sticker for one.

The tow hook cover is missing. That makes sense though since we know it can’t drive itself, what with the motor being blown lol

You’re on the right track. Notice how much higher the front end is compared to the rear?

Also, when I zoom in, it looks as if the tow hook broke off in the crash support.

One more issue that I can see…

Paint damage by the right front headlight. What’s the red and white thing by the right rear door?

The stupid APR/Mangrove flag


Pretty close. I think that’s just the reflection off another car nearby, but fender was the repainted / replaced area after APR inflicted body damage on it. Just look at the awful paint match compared to the bumper, hood and rest of the car.

Quite pathetic really.


If you look at the front end it does look higher not sure if the angles were playing a factor. Almost looks like the motor is out I don’t understand why they wouldn’t have the hood popped otherwise.

You got it :wink:

Hahahaha great point. Never thought of that

Not the first time they’ve done that… :wink:


Btw, APR is having a liquidation sale. Tons of shop equipment, engines, parts and etc for cheap. Maybe I should get a contact in case anyone is interested?


A contact would be great, some firesale pricing on parts may convince me to mod my R finally.

It seems like they were selling engines, equipment, cars and other items, not retail parts.

kwright@goapr.com would probably be a good contact.

Maybe flying tomacco can get a good deal on another one!






Same same or different?

Seems as if it is an inch or so higher. Either way, that car is still waiting for another motor.


It looks as if Mangrove’s site had a recent makeover. New format and they really filled out the news section (previous site was only updated until 2012). This was pretty interesting with regards to the APR transaction.

[quote=mangroveequity.com]Mangrove Equity Partners is pleased to announce the recapitalization of another passion-oriented branded consumer product company. Honoring the founder’s wishes, we will be light on details for now, other than to share that it is a leader in producing top-quality products that serve an activity about which its customers are impassioned.
Also there are new pics of the Mangrove team.

Matt Young, CEO of APR myoung@goapr.com


Kyle Wright, my guess his title would be Director of Sales since he’s taking over Colby’s position. kwright@goapr.com


I do know of at least one R8 currently running the APR supercharger.