Dragstrip v. Road Course

I would just like to see him stand up and say ‘Ok, I suck at shifting, and that’s why my times sucked. Running high 12s low 13s is what a stock S4 should do. Running mid to low 12s is what a tuned S4 should do on pump gas. Running low 12s, high 11s is what a tuned S4 should do on race gas.’

Everyone else with eyes knows these facts. The guys who run 13s with tune and intake etc are the outliers. He seems to think that’s the norm…and that the 12.5 guys are the outliers. That, as clochner said, is a river in Africa, not reality.

I can’t believe this 2014 Viper TA ran a slower ET than the fastest stock S4 on pump! Drag racing is a gentleman’s sport and I don’t know a single person that would put different fuel in their tank to post a time 1 standard deviation away from what a car off the dealer lot could do. It’s stock, except for wheels brakes intake and some stuff, so basically stock ECU but not the fuel you use to drive to work – other fuel, I mean pump fuel mostly but I mixed something else in but I’m going to put it in an “online 1/4 mile database” that would imply Audi can’t build 100,000 3.0TFSI that make any reliable horsepower number (could be 270whp, could be 350whp, some cars do 12.5 some cars do 13.6).


you mean like yourself? Your only trip to the dragstrip you ran race gas.

Are you fucking retarded? ADD? Aspergers as fuck?

LOL… So Greg did Audi not make the S4 good enough for your road racing? I mean you’ve changed what wheels, tires, brakes, various suspensions parts, etc. Why? Did Audi not build it good enough? Also, don’t you run a tune? Why? Don’t you run race gas on the road course when you are pretending to be Danica Patrick? Seriously west your a walking, talking(I assume you can walk and talk), writing contradiction…

Also, not all of us live in the communist state that is California, here in Ohio we can buy race gas at the pump of which I run full time… Sorry, you can’t afford the up keep and gas for your precious chariot, maybe you shouldn’t have purchased the coxster…

Well I guess the good news is it’s only a matter of time before westwest goes byebye…

But the S4 in stock form is in fact, not good for racing.
Though I don’t believe anyone here road races one…:slight_smile:

It’s not going to be that hard to prove this. I’ll run the car on 105 octane. I expect it’ll do a 12.5-12.6 with my amateur shifting. Then I’ll take a drive in 4th gear around NorCal, run out the remaining fuel, fill her up with 91 NorCal pump, and put down the best she’s got an hour or two later. Probably a 12.9 or 13.0.

I’ll run the 93 octane program the whole time to keep that constant. Let the same ECU program decide what timing to run.

I’m not convinced if the great Sakimono of Toronto was at the strip that day with me, that his superior skill would have pulled a 12.5 out of a car, atomsphere and fuel that I could only get a 13.0 out of. The variables are prebaked.

My hypothesis is that our Audi’s are a lot more consistent car-to-car than the fuel we’re putting in. I think fuel is the most important determining factor in 1/4 mile times. Then driver. Then atmosphere. Then VIN number (variance in factory output).

Your 1/4 mile database is more like a database that grades fuel quality from various refineries around North America. I appreciate it, I just think it has little to do with the drivers (assuming they’re all intermediate-advanced competency to achieve a 99th percentile time).

I’d actually like to know if NorCal Shell, NorCal 76, NorCal Chevron, or NorCal Valero is the fastest fuel. I can probably find out by repeating this experiment.

People like this aren’t real…I mean how can someone like this exist or function in life?

One of my favorite moments on these Audi boards is when someone finally realizes how obtuse west can be about various topics. You literally can’t win an argument against him in his mind. Like I said earlier, not sure when it’s trolling or teh dumbz…

;D ;D ;D

Also, quoted for awesome

[quote]Your 1/4 mile database is more like a database that grades fuel quality from various refineries around North America.

Who is sakimono ?

It’s better than skywagon’s “sakadodo”

at least skylaggin was trying to be funny and insult me. West is just wrong. Again.

we shld post a link to this thread in our lulz thread in case anyone has missed it.

I find it funny that people here actually bought into his nonsense. I mean it is so painfully obvious that he is fucking out there and can’t seem to hold a conversation to save his life. Its just one meandering thought onto another of which have nothing to do with the post you think he is responding to.

karma will take care of it

I honestly think it’s a drugs thing.

On weed: good west
Off weed: bad west


  1. I post a beginner’s experiment on the Internet
  2. I come up with a thesis for a 2nd experiment
  3. Saki wishes bad karma on me (after making a slight at homosexuals)


  1. huh?
  2. huh?
  3. huh?

‘member rating’ used to be called ‘karma’ on here. I wished no bad karma on you, but I did mention that karma will take care of your AR life. As in once you’re -30 you will be banned. Members can issue a single -1 or +1 only once per 24 hrs. So if you are -30, you know that you have basically stood on your dick around here and 10-20 people have decided you’re not adding value. Good system. Much better than waiting for actual karma.

OK I need to say something.
Motor Trend does their testing in California.
I know that they are notorious for bad gas, but they managed to get 12.9 @108.7 MPH on a 6 speed B8.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nr3YrHMuLgw

You made a lot of posts but I’ll just respond to this one and reference the others.

You made a post saying it was your first time at the track and you only had 90 min of practice. I think your times make sense for what you said. Road corse driving and mentality is a polar opposite of drag racing.

Drag racing is all time under power and shift points. Think about this the b8.5 cars are slower due to the DSG shift points being off. Also if your drag racing every second your not under power your loosing big momentum. You have 1375 feet to accelerate in if I only loose 10 feet of travel not under power due to shifting quickly and someone else looses 30 feet not under power due to slow shifting that’s several car lengths and a big impact on the 1/4 time. Given your seat time at the drag strip and say someone like sakimano I and I think others would expect his ability should get better performance. I know sakimano helped a local supercharged S4 v8 guy at the track. Same day same car same fuel different driver I think the difference was .4

I am 100% with you on the race gas not a big fan of its use and sometimes abuse when it comes to the 1/4 list. Still there are lots of great pump times. I will say that California gas sucks so bad and California 91 and new Jersey 91 are not even close to the same potency wise.

There are a lot of good points being made and you are a smart guy who has offered a lot of great posts. I think you might under estimate the amount of help and support. Look at Skywagon he was a mess for a little bit and look at all the help he got. If you really are looking to go to the track again maybe call jhm as you have there clutch and flywheel and ask them to make a pass or two on your car. That would really help make the argument and seriously take a camera video the inside of the car and get some logs of the run. If you bring that data back all the guys here will help explain what you might be missing

Just something to think about man I hate to see your member rating tanking I think you have a lot to offer.

The Internet is a not a popularity contest. It’s a fact finding mission. I personally don’t care if Saki downvotes me once a day for a month until I’m -30. There’s a whole giant Internet where I can post about anything I’m thinking about. If the Karma system is supposed to preempt thought crimes, then I suppose it’s going to tally me out. I’m pointing out reality as I see it, and I will have my 1/4 mile redemption. I’ll also give you guys some good relevant same day same car info on California gas vs. bottled gas. Until then all of this talk is masturbation.

I share both original content about the B8, and some indefensible untested unimplemented ideas. I catch a lot of trolling for the latter, then I actually execute and the critics go silent.